Chapter 1

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"What do you want to be when you grow up?", Fourth blinks his eyes looking up at the boy who's standing infront of him while he's sitting on the steps of his front door.

The boy turns around to look at him, smiling widely as he says. "I want to be a star! The brightest star! The most popular guy in the world! I want to sing and dance on a big stage where a lot of people will come to see me.", Gemini stated proudly as he twirls around while holding his plastic sword.

Fourth nods his head, "How much is a lot? This much or this much?", he holds up all 10 of his fingers and that earned him a laugh from Gemini. "Silly, that's not a lot. I meant thousands of people."

"How many are thousands of people?", 6 years old Fourth titls his head to the side.

"Probably enough to fill this front porch.", Gemini motions the big entry way of Fourth's family house. It definitely will fit thousands of people if the large water fountain in the middle and the flower garden on the side not to forget the garage that consisted of 6 cars in total will be removed from there.

"That's a lot of people....", Fourth said as he unwraps the lollipop before placing it in his mouth. "But I guess that is not impossible. I can ask my dad to hire thousands of people to watch you."

Gemini again laughs at that. Most people would be in disbelief at what Fourth just said but Gemini is so used to Fourth's behaviour that his answer doesn't surprise him. He knew that his friend's father is capable of doing that and Fourth will definitely be using the tactic of squeezing his chubby cheeks infront of anyone to get whatever he wants.

"It doesn't work like that fotfot. I want them to be my fans, people that would love me and support me. Not some random people who's forced to watch me sing."

"Why would you need that? You already have me, my sister, my mom, my dad, my nana, your dad and your mom!", Fourth list down with his fingers, showing them infront of Gemini.

Geminis shakes his head while ruffling Fourth's hair. "It's not enough, I want love from more people! You'll get it when we grow up!"

"Okay..." Fourth agreed with him.


10 years later and Fourth still didn't get it. Why would Gemini crave for love and support from a total stranger when he's here and his family is also here to give that to him. Was his love not enough? He spent every waking moment to make sure Gemini eats well, sleep well, go to school comfortably, keep him company and always practice his music with him. Who else does Gemini need? Why would he need something more?

⚠️ TW: little mentions of body dysmorphia / ED & bully ahead ⚠️

Gemini is naturally born with the talent and the brain but sadly not the look of someone who could pass as a celebrity. He always got teased on by his peers in kindergarten saying that his face looks like a gecko. To say that he wasn't hurt is not even close but he's an optimistic. He knew he wasn't good looking so he started to build a good and funny personality. He became the guy everyone likes to be around. Soon enough he became popular, from kindergarten to primary school until now that he's in high school.

However it all changes as he turned 15 years old. He got taller, his facial features became more prominent, his voice got deeper, he grew his hair out and his off braces now. He's a late bloomer per say. He became more and more handsome as days goes by and his popularity in school was a no match. People would describe him as a handsome guy with great personality. He never lose himself when his visual changes and that's one thing to be applauded for.

Fourth on the other hand has always had that sweet and soft face but when Gemini got called names by their classmates he became protective over him and he started to eat more on daily basis. He thought by growing bigger and stronger, he'll be able to protect Gemini if ever their classmates decided to get violent with their bully. Luckily that didn't happen as Gemini handled it well by himself but the habit Fourth has developed didn't stop. He would eat more than needed which leads to him being overweight. It became an unconscious habits at this point and he thought it doesn't hurt anybody and certainly didn't hurt Gemini so he never cared about his appearance.

It's finally their first day of school after a long break. They're now in 4th Grade of high school, one more year to becoming a senior. They're both pretty excited to be in the same class yet again this year. The class system in their school is grade based so the top 30 in their school will be in class 1, the next 30 will be in class 2 and so on. That's how they knew they're going to be in the same class again this year because both of them made it into the top 30 students. Gemini being the first in school and Fourth in 20th place.

Both of them are smart but Gemini being born with eidetic memory has tremendously helped with his studies leaving Fourth a little behind. That didn't bother Fourth as the role he wants to play is to always support Gemini and not to become his competitor. Fourth only wants to be by his side, being a helping hand and a shoulder for Gemini to cry on.

"Yo, waddup guys.", Gemini walks into their assigned class like he owns the place while Fourth just silently follows behind him inside. He greets his new classmates, most of them are familiar faces from class 1 last year and there's only a few bits of new faces. "We're in the same class again, Gemini.", one of the girls said while giggling with their group of friends.

"Yeah lucky me.", Gemini said as he winked playfully towards the girls.

"Annoying...", Mark walks in from behind and smacks Gemini's head. "Stop flirting with the girls the teacher is coming.", he warned.

"Come on bro, I was just joking. Wasn't really flirting.", Gemini shrugs it off while taking a seat at the two combined desk which he surely will be sharing with Fourth.

"To you it is a joke, but have you ever thought what they'll think? One day that personality of yours is going to get you in trouble, man. Just saying. Right, Fourth?", Mark stated as he takes a seat behind them.

Gemini turns his attention towards Fourth who's already sitting besides him, waiting for his answer which Fourth only shrugs his shoulder to that.

"I wouldn't know...."

"Exactly, right?! That's my bro right there.", Gemini places his arm on Fourth's shoulder, side hugging him.

Mark sighs while shaking his head. "You too Fourth, you need to stop agreeing to everything Gemini did. It's going to get you in trouble one day too."

Fourth couldn't respond back to that as the teacher walks in right at the moment. The whole class greeted the teacher and the class begins. At first it didn't bother Fourth with what Mark had just said but somehow that last sentence kept repeating itself inside his head like a broken record. Yet he kept talking himself out of it.

I'm going to do whatever it takes to stay by Gemini's side. Whatever it takes.


Author's Note

Let me know what you think of the first chapter. Is it too short? Should I keep this amount for next chapter or would you like more?

Enjoy! ❤️

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