Chapter 4

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Fourth's POV

"Just a manager?", I asked with a little hope interlaced in my tone. Wishing to hear what I'd hope for.

"Yeah and my bestfriend! We're literally going to be a perfect duo in the industry.", Gem answered enthusiastically without even a hint of second guessing about the status of what their relationship is.

Manager? Am I only a future manager in his eyes? Can't I ever be more than that?

I sighs to myself not letting anyone notice how that mere sentence made me question my whole entire being. Don't get me wrong, I truly loved every second I spent helping Gem to get to where he is now and I will continue until he gets to where he wants in life.

But there's no one in this world who's saint enough to do something without hoping for anything in return, right? The same goes for me. I'd hope that by me helping him to get what he wants, staying by his side, supporting him then eventually he would look my way. Look at me the same way I've always looked at him.

However right now it's as if everything I'd hope for is ruined without it even starting.

It felt as if I got rejected even before I ever get to confess.

Is this it? Should I give up? Should I just move on?

A lot goes through my mind since then and I can't stop thinking about it as I'm walking out of the school gate when the school period is over.

I'm not able to go home with Gem again today because he's going to the company to go over and most definitely agreeing to the contract. It's his dream company after all.

I sighs for the tenth times today not realising yet again that someone is standing close to me.

"Did you see how that chicken cross the busy road? Gen Z chicken are something else I tell you. Did you think the chicken will get home safely?", a voice besides me said with a rather serious tone.

"What kind of question even is that?", I asked feeling a little lighthearted, I don't know why but the stupid question tickled my heart and I wanted to laugh. I recognised that voice too. I haven't heard it for long but even in the short period of time I could remember who it belongs to without even looking at his face.

"Just wondering you know. The chicken must've something to do to be so brave to cross that road. Some place it wanted to go. Something it wanted to do."

I turned my head to look at P'Pond, what he said just hit me like a bus. Even the chicken crossing the road had something it might want to do, some place it might want to go. Then what about me? What's stopping me?

What do I want to do? Where do I want to go?

If one day Gem decided he doesn't want me anymore. If one day Gem doesn't need me anymore.

Where else do I go? What else do I do?

Gem was made to be a celebrity, a performer.

But what was I made for? What am I without Gemini? I'm scared. I'm scared of being nothing.

"Fourth... Nong Fourth...", Pond waves his hand infront of me as I stared at him without blinking for a solid minute.

"Ah- yes. What?", I shakes my head as I finally answered him.

"Take a picture next time. It'll last longer.", Pond playfully winked at me.

A small laugh finally escaped from my lips as I hit his shoulder lightly. I can't deny that, P'Pond is handsome but he's not really my type. My type? Is probably someone like Gemini. Scratch that, it's Gemini.

What Was I Made For? ( GeminiFourth )Where stories live. Discover now