Chapter 17

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Fourth's POV

The shoot wrapped up earlier than expected in which I quote the director said "our perfect chemistry" has made everything seems so natural and endearing.

One thing I noticed when I was playing Gun's character was the irony that in a way it felt like it was what me and Gemini has went through.

Gun wanted to be a singer. He formed a band and Tinn has been helping him although secretly but in a way that dynamic reminded me of my childhood with MY Gemini.

Not the Gemini that's standing infront of me right now.

"Everyone don't forget we have dinner party at 9pm today. Let's clean up and meet up at the restaurant!", one of the fellow crew member informed us through the megaphone which pulled me out of my train of thought.

I back away from the close approximate where I was standing with Gemini for the last scene to create some space between us.

"You did really great. Looking forward to act the full scene.", Gemini praised me with a soft smile plastered on his goddamn annoyingly handsome face.

"Thanks. You too.", I answered shortly before walking away to the dressing room to change.

It was an irreplaceable experience to be on set and act infront of so many people for the first time. To be honest, not that I'm blowing my own trumpet but I think I played Gun's part very on point. I definitely did amazing today, I should keep this up.

"How are you going to the restaurant?", I look up and our eyes met through the mirror. I'm contemplating whether to ignore him since there's nobody else in the room. I don't need to pretend like we're on good terms as we were on set.

"I'm gonna ask one of the crew if I could carpool with them.", I answered as I removes the light makeup that they put on my face.

"Want to come with me? I'm driving alone."

"No, thanks. I rather walk."

"I thought we're ok already."

"Okay? Was it that easy for you?", I unknowingly slams the makeup wipe I was using onto the table infront of me. Anger engulfing me. "You can just throw someone whenever you want then pick them back up when it is convenient for YOU, huh?."

"Fourth, it's not like that. You were talkative and you actually look at me when we talk infront of everyone so I just thought you've at least given me a chance.", Gemini said as I could see him inching closer from behind me.

I still refused to turn around to face him, only occasionally looking at him through the mirror.

"A chance? Don't make me laugh, Norawit. I told you already that we can never be friends again."

"Then why were you acting like one just now?", his eyes showed sadness but I refused to acknowledge it.

A deep breath was all I need before I finally turn my body to face him making sure no emotion leaks on my face.

"Are you really that naive or are you pretending?", I look at him straight in the eyes as I take a step closer to him.

"I'm new in this industry so clearly I won't make a good impression if I have a bad relationship with the all mighty popular top idol in Thailand, no? For once I want something for myself and I'm gonna have it no matter what it takes. You've leeched off my kindness and my pure heart as a kid, now it's my turn."

Scared? Annoyed? Disgusted?

I was expecting to see those emotions to surface on Gemini's expression but the sadness in his eyes just deepens even more.

What Was I Made For? ( GeminiFourth )Where stories live. Discover now