Chapter 10

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Gemini's POV

*2 years ago*

"What is this, Khun Nala?"

The immense feeling of uncomfortableness starts to burn in my chest but I tried my best to hold it together. I've received tons of gifts and love letters from the girls or the boys ever since I hit my puberty thus I thought this is just one of those but it's far beyond that.

This girl had the audacity to stop me and my bestfriend in the middle of the hallway to hand me the paper bag containing brownies and a letter which at first I assumed was just a normal confession but no.

It was a threat.

A psychotic admiration letter with random pictures of me that were taken secretly, not just in school but at my house too. What took me off guard was the fact that none of those pictures were blurry. It was of a high definition quality just like it was taken by a professional paparazzi which only means she had hired people to actually follow me around.

I stupidly let Fourth ate the brownies that she gave me which made me worried when I finally realised it. I kept asking him if he's okay in case she put anything inside the brownies but thank god she didn't. The brownies was safe.

At first it didn't scare me as much until I got to the last few pictures of myself and Fourth. The frightening part was that Fourth's face was crossed off with red marker in all of it. From the outside perspective, they could've thought that we were dating with how close we were in those pictures. It does appeared intimate.

Because we were.

And because I wanted us to be.

Thankfully, I opened the letter during lunchtime when I had to go over to my locker to take my basketball jersey. Fourth was with MarkFord at the cafeteria so they didn't see the creepy content of the letter.


Was written in a disturbing red font on the A4 paper. To think that the innocent looking girl who handed me it the other day was the same girl that's been stalking me and sending me these private pictures of myself and Fourth was bizarre.

Of course my first instinct was to report to the police right away but my damn empathy stopped me from doing that. I could ruin someone's future just because of their tendency to be somewhat obsessive. It could've been just the little delusional thoughts that made her did this.

But honestly I was scared.... for Fourth. I wouldn't care as much if it was just about me but not when Fourth is involved. He's everything and anything I could ever want and need. The thought of him getting hurt because me itself is enough to kill me. God, please. Anyone but him.

I need to protect him.

But I was naive. I tried to be kind.

I asked her to meet me after my basketball game to talk this over. I even went as far as lying to Fourth and the rest of my friends so they wouldn't find out about this. I wanted to settle it on my own peacefully.

At least I tried.

"What do you mean, Gem?", the girl who's standing a couple heads below me said with a nauseating sweet voice.

"Please don't call me that. It's reserved only for someone special to me.", I said in monotone, I've always hated it when other people other than Fotfot called me with that nickname.

"Am I not special to you? You are very special to me, Gem.", Nala titled her head to the right in attempt to show her cuteness with her hands behind her back.

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