Chapter 21

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Gemini's POV

I cracked an eye open to peek at Fourth who's busy burying his face on the laptop with his headphones on. He's as cute as ever, the little frown on his face while he's focused, the way he crinkles his nose indicating that he's thinking.

The outside might look different but he's still the very same person. A part of me felt truly guilty for what has happened. What I've caused him to go through in order to protect him.

I've failed to consider that just as much of a human I am, he is too. Just as much I feel things, he feels them too. Just as much as I want to protect him, he wants to protect me too.

We're best friends before anything yet I've been so selfish. Even now, keeping him here by tying him with guilt to stay and take care of me. Is it even the right choice to make?

The sound of a knock on the door made me instantly closed my eyes again, pretending to be back asleep.

Fourth not hearing the door probably due to his headphones yelps a little when the door swings open revealing Milk and her girlfriend, Love. I could tell that he's now standing up to greet the newcomers.

"Oh sorry, I thought there's no one else inside because I knocked and no one answered.", Milk said as he walks in with a paper bag in one hand and holding Love's hand with another.

"No- uhm I was working so I couldn't hear.", Fourth's voice came out a little sheepish. He must be a bit embarrassed.

It's one of the things that hasn't changed too. Fourth is always so shy when meeting someone new. His ears would get so red and he would try to hide behind me.

I wonder if his ears are red right now. Should I take a peek?

"No worries, we just came to visit this guy. Usually he's as strong as a bull and never stays in hospital for this long. But now that he is, I got kinda worried.", Milk said playfully earning a light smack by Love for her to be nice to her sick friend.

"I'm Milk by the way. And this is my girlfriend, Love. I believe we've never officially met.", she continued.

"Ah yes. I'm Fourth Nattawat. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Fourth.", this time it's Love speaking up.

"So how's his condition?", Milk asked.

"His leg injury is pretty severe so it'll take a couple months for it to heal and he would have to do some therapy to walk normally again."

"It is that bad, huh?"


"But his head is fine right?", Milk asked again her voice sounded almost cheeky.

"Huh? Yes?", Fourth's answer sounded unsure not because I have head injury but probably due to confusion why the question in the first place.

"If his head is fine then why are you pretending to be asleep?"

Hmm that was weird. Why would Milk be asking that to Four- oh shit she's talking to me isn't she? How did she know I was pretending? Not knowing what to do I continue to feign ignorance, still pretending to be asleep.

"Are you playing the role of sleeping beauty or what? You just look like a sleeping beast right now....", Milk added before I could feel a smack on my forehead.

That jolted me up from my fake sleep agenda. Making me glares at her as soon as I locked eyes with her.

"You can't do that to a sick man!", I whined as I rubs the spot she just smacked.

Finally looking around I could see Fourth's face a little surprised by Milk's action and Love's attempt on stopping Milk by pulling her hand away.

"Right, teerak he's still sick.", Love said gently to her girlfriend.

Milk scoffs before rolling her eyes at me when I nodded at Love's words.

"He's clearly just pretending. I knew him too well to be fooled. No offence.", Milk turns to Fourth with a small smile.

I could see that Fourth's eyes widens a little, not sure because he realised he was fooled or because he was caught.

"Hey, don't bring him into this.", I said as I slowly gets up from my laying position.

Honestly my leg does feel better. It doesn't hurt as much and I'm sure I could start the therapy now but I was partially faking it so Fourth would still hug me and hold me when I need to get up.

Seeing my attempt to sit up, Fourth hurry to my side to assist me and that action earns a chuckle from Milk.

"You do you man.", Milk blurted out.

"I am. Why are you here anyway if you only want to pick a fight with me? Or did you just miss me?", I clicked my tongue, used to our little bickering everytime we're together.

"Don't flatter yourself. The team (crews from their previous series together) brought you a get well soon gift and I'm just here to deliver. I also want to see if you're still alive or whatever since you didn't reply to my line."

This tsundere bitch. Just say you're worried about me and go. Most people would think that Milk is arrogant and unfriendly due to her having a resting bitch face but truthfully she's so soft at heart and she cares a lot about the people she loves.

And I'm one of the people she love. Haha.

"Sorry my phone is turned off.", I answered before taking the paper bag she handed me. "And thanks."

"Yeah now that I know you're still alive and kicking, pun intended and you have your wife taking care of you. I'll get going then.", Milk turns to Fourth again then winks at him at the word wife.

"Ah- what?", before Fourth could deny it Milk already makes her way out, pulling her girlfriend with her.

"Bye, see you when I see you."

"Get well soon, Gemini.", Love said hurriedly as she got pulled away by Milk.

The door closed with a soft thud and the silence just creeps back in. It's now just us staring at each other. Still processing what Milk has said.

Not going to lie I love it. Fourth as my wife? Not bad at all.

"Ehem.. Here let me keep this away.", Fourth clears his throat as he holds out his hand to take the paper bag Milk left me with.

I graces my thumb on the back of his hand when he takes the bag away. Taking every opportunity I get to have physical contact with him.

"Thank you.", I said with a small smile plastered on my face.

"Are you done with your work?", I added.

"A little bit more.", he answered as he goes back to sit at his designated couch.

The day continues normally with us having a meal together, continuing the series we've been watching and then goes into our slumber.

I wish this could continue to be our daily routine even when I get out of this hospital.

But honestly I don't want to get out of this hospital.

Because what if we'll become strangers again?

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