Chapter 15

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I was sitting in the canteen sipping on my coffee and eating the toppings off of Raven's pizza every now and then. It was a beautiful morning and the hustle bustle of this place was adding to the brightness. An outdoor reading session of this new book that I have dug my hands on would have been perfect but I was helping Brie with her assignment. It wasn't too bad and she was really struggling.

Just as I was about to lay my head on the notebook in front of me I heard angry noises at the entrance of the canteen.

"What,from the bottom of my heart, the fuck man!", Raven exclaimed looking at the same direction as me.

Shit. Not again. I didn't even do anything right now.

I saw Matt push Zander and then Zander push Matt. Dylan and Silas came running trying to stop them from locking horns but they were dragged by both of the guys. Suddenly I saw Matt throw a hard punch on Zander's face.

Before I could realize I was tugging at Zander's t-shirt to stop him from hitting Matt. He realized this in a few minutes and stood still looking at me. His lips were bleeding and his eyes buried into mine.

"That's right whore! Control your damn dog."

I mean I tried. But what are you going to do if a dickhead is dead set on getting beaten. Zander punched him so hard I thought Matt's face would dismantle like a Lego set. He got unbalanced and fell on the floor groaning.

"Well deserved asshole!" Raven called patting Zander on the back.I handed him a tissue when he sunk in the chair . He cleaned the blood before sucking on his lower lip to stop the blood.

"You okay?", I asked him.

He nodded looking up at me.

"The way that dude ran his mouth...he needed some ass whopping.", Raven said. I swatted her arm.


Noah and the girls were waiting for me in the corridors after my lecture was over. I gave Lee my half emptied pack of M&M's that I was munching on in the class. We both were sweet tooth and Raven hated it. She made gaging noises. Brie was too health conscious to eat it.

"Why did you butt in?", Noah asked me.


"The shouldn't have interfered. "

"Get your eyes checked. I didn't interfere ...I went to stop it."

"Same thing."


"So I'm just saying you shouldn't. Zayn ain't worth it."

"You do realize I come to college with him right?"

"That's different. "

"Yes...its okay to use a guy for my own benefits but I should take a corner when he needs me?"

"He needs you? What makes you think that? You know who his parents are right? He doesn't need anyone!"


"Jeez...what's up your ass boy? Leave them alone.", Raven told him irritated.

"Yes Noah that's quite an opinion.", Lee agreed.

He gave a last look at all of us and left.

"I should check on him.", Brie said walking the same direction as Noah's.

"Don't come back!", Raven called.

"I have to go to the library.", Lee told us.

"I'm coming too.", I said.

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