Chapter 29

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Days passed by.

Sometimes I woke up in the library. Sometimes in the gym. On the terrace. Or in the gardens.

A permanent paintings of tigers were also seen by me quite often when I opened my eyes. It was long after, that I could register the fact that I was in Zander's room. All the time.

I had gotten used to of waking up on the soft brush of a hand on my arms.

He was always around. He woke me up. Insisted on combing my hair. Watched movies with me. Practiced kickboxing with Donna. Studied. Played with Shadow. Ate his meal. Fed me. Talked. Even though I didn't speak back.

When other people were with me, my gaze tried to hunt him down. My eyes were still the only moving part of my body. The regular checkups said I wasn't paralyzed but I might as well have been because I was dependent on everyone for everything.

Jean bathed me and came back after every few hours to sit me in the bathroom, so that I do all that was needful and necessary for a human body to function properly.

Melanie and Anne were there as much as they could be. Anne would rant about her long day at work or some complications with the patients or about Dr. Evans. And Melanie would fill me in with the latest gossips of her friends circle and would feed me some delicacies that she would try her hands on. If nothing, she would keep me updated with the Kardashians.

Richard also paid occasional visits. And I almost had a panic attack slash vomiting session, trying to remember him. Turned out beating my mind up was not the best of the ideas.

My friends were there everyday as well. And surprisingly Zander's friends were also there. At first I had trouble remembering them, except Theo but I slowly recognized everyone. They came in to keep both of us updated with the college work.

True to his words, Zander didn't attend college. I heard him talking to Tucker where he told him that his attendance was perfect and so were his grades and the professors would be okay if he took some time off.

Cold seeped through my blood and guilt took over hearing that. His attendance and grades might all go downhill because of me and my stupid slumber.

I also heard Silas telling everyone that the video was taken down and was off of everyone devices. Possessing it was a crime anyway and if found with anyone, would result in their expulsion.

It was then, that I got to know that Silas's dad was in police department holding some high office.

Dylan and Cindy showed up several times and surprisingly they weren't making out in front of me. Raven, Brie and Noah took turns. Raven would always insist on going out in the gardens and would fiercely hold me in her arm on one side while we walked.

Lee showed up everyday, even if it was for a few minutes. She would talk about college and Fiona and her assignments. Sometimes she would cry as well.

They all cried. Anne, Melanie, Jean, Lee. They were the people who spent most time with me and hope was turning thin for them.

Not Zander though. His ocean eyes never lost hope even though he was latched onto my side twenty-four seven. He went about his day, with me by his side. There were only a handful of moments where he got desperate and pleaded me to say something. But never a tear.

"I talked to Desai today. She was giving you an extension on the assignments. They all are. You've always been ahead and it's paying now. I do want you to be out and about now though." Zander sighed. I felt his sigh in my bones.

He continued fidgeting with some of the books and notes that Brie left earlier. "I really miss you Summer. It's like you're here but not really here. I miss you rolling your eyes at me. Your banters. The thousand books that you try to read all at once. I miss you on the passenger seat. The music doesn't feel right, you know, with you not there. By the way, I even took a drag of cigarette in your car. But that was a heavy day. Raven told me..."

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