Chapter 45

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If my future self can pin point the exact moment for when I first started experiencing hypertension, it would be this one. That is if I get that , which I'm sure I  will by the way my life is going. And not just that, my stomach pumps in the rhythm with my wild heart.

"Why are you saying sorry? And to me?" I drag in a lungful of air.

Brie clutch my arms so tightly, she almost cut the blood supply. "You'll never forgive me." She shakes her head violently.

"Jesus! Is it Bridgewood?" Raven demand, voicing my own thoughts.

"What! No!"

"Then who is it?" I ask firmly.

Brie closes her eyes, her expressions pained. "Its Matt."

"Are you out of your mind?" Raven finally lose it. "No seriously Brie."


"I'm sorry I'm out." And with that Raven leaves. Lee and I are so shocked that words fail us. Silence descends the room.

Brie stare at me with nothing but apology in her eyes. Her chest rise and falling with every breath.

I want to say many things but instead I dig my nails into my thighs until crescent grooves etch into my flesh. "You need rest Brie. We should go."

Friends are supposed to be there for each other even in most difficult of times and I am not going to take easy way out and leave.

"Aura," she pleads.

"Hey I'm not mad. Everything is fine. Don't stress it. We'll talk about it when you get back. Okay?" My pulse is roaring now, so loud I can't even hear her answer but I see her nodding. I chanel all my strength and give her a smile that I'm sure appear a grimace and leave.

Since the day was already a shit show, I ask Lee to drop me off at the hospital. In cafeteria, I meet the eyes color of gunmetal. "Bad day?" Cassian ask, handing me a cup of hot chocolate.

I am sure my morose expressions answer him before I can. "The absolute worst."

His mouth quirk up in a short chuckle. "Care to share?"

I shake my head. "Its not even about me. It's like everything is a chaos and I'm just in the middle of it being overwhelmed by it." I look at him. "Does it make sense?"

He give a tiny nod. "It does." He places his hand on my shoulder. "Aura, it'll be okay. Just give it some time, okay?"

"Yeah," I nod. "By the way, where you leaving?" I ask pointing at the keys in his other hand.

"Yeah, and you should too if you are going to Bridgewood's."

"What for?"

"There's a party. He has invited you too," Anne says from behind my back. When I turn around, I find her holding out a note.

My house @ 5 ~ Zander.

"Zayn gave you this?" I question still looking at the note.

"No, one of the guards outside." Lines of distress marr Anne's otherwise beautiful face. "Something wrong?"

"No it's just weird of him to leave notes or address himself as Zander." I eke out a wobbly smile, "But then he has been weird lately."

"Coming?" Cassian's brows are drawn tight over his eyes.

Reluctantly, I nod.

Zayn has successfully invited the entire college. Even though his house is humongous, its hard to breathe with this kind of crowd.

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