Chapter 41

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Putting Anne's car into drive and pulling away from the driveway, I honk once to let Anne know I'm off.

With Zayn's irregular attendance in college and his even irregular moods, I had to apply for a driver's license and put my driving skills to use.

That is until I have to hit brakes because a very familiar i8 is blocking my way.

I honk again this time more aggressively but he doesn't budge. I haven't seen the guy after his very random and weird act in the cafeteria, which was weeks ago.

Its not like I haven't bothered checking up on him. Its just he was never home and nobody happens to know where he was.

I beep the car horns again. And this time Anne comes out saying something but as soon as she spots Zayn she throws her hands in the air, turns around and leaves me to deal with him.

Getting out of the car, I splutter. "What?"

I could only bat his one incoming arm away, before he engulfs me entirely from another and just stand there hugging me.

I nip at his bicep and he jerks my hand away, capturing the free arm to his chest and finally hugging me from the other hand as well.

My protests gets muffled in his sweatshirt and after a time I drop my reservations and relaxes into the hug.

I don’t know why he needs this hug but I am realizing even I needed it too. The days that he was gone, I missed him.

Another few minutes pass before he finally pulls away, giving me a longing look and then getting into his car and driving off.

ZAYN'S HUG seemed a sort of goodbye before he got distant again. And I not wanting to intrude much kept in touch with Theo, Jean and Silas.

It was a me problem- meaning he was only pushing me away. So I let him do that, even though not knowing the reason killed me.

"He will come around, Aura. Don't worry about him," Silas says, his frown slowly fading and lips tugging up slightly.

"So you've been telling me since... what day is it? Sixth day?" I huff

Silas scoffs loudly. "Its Zander we are talking about."

I soften my expressions and shield my eyes to the winter sun shining overhead the soccer field. "I know. I'm sorry. We are just worried. Ping me if you hear anything?"

"Hear about what?"

Unable to speak while my brain painted a very graphic image of how I would like to hurt the owner of that voice, I turn around.

"Well looks like I don't have to ping you afterall," Silas drawls. "Hey man! What have you been up to?"

Zayn doesn't even bother responding him and walks straight up to me. Bumping my nose with his index, he looks at me as if searching for something. "Hear about what?"

I grumble and scowl at him. "About you. Jean have been worried sick Zander. You haven't been home in days."

"So you're bothering my friends now? Or are you trying to get close to them on the pretense of being worried about me?"

I feel like I have been slapped in the face.

My mother always said- your respect is always in your own hands.

So I take those shred along with my bag next to where Silas is sitting and walk away before I say something that I'm gonna regret.

"Seriously dude, Titan called her asking about you. What is she suppose to do?" I hear Silas say to Zander.

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