The interview

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-Alastors POV-

I settled down in my chair across from Y/N and opened my folder. She was nervous, but confident, waiting patiently for me to get my thoughts in order with a smile on her (S/C) face. I always liked a smile. She already seemed like a good candidate. We began our interview. She was intelligent, intriguing, and funny. The interview went along without a hitch and I found myself enjoying her presence. She wasn't one of those simpering, swooning ladies who only came today in a futile attempt to charm me. As she left the room I circled her name on my roster. I knew she would most likely be the candidate for the job. I called in the next lady and continued on with the interviews.


As you hurried out of the radio shack you waved a hurried goodbye to Barbara who happily returned it. You stepped into the fresh air and inhaled, all of your pent-up nervousness escaping as you let out all the air. The interview went well! you thought as you subconsciously began walking towards your favorite diner. Alastor seemed to like you and the interview was more like a conversation than a formal thing. It was quite fun!  You hoped you were the one who got the job and not one of those snobs that were in the waiting area. You scoffed as you stepped through the doors to the diner. Tom, the owner, happily waved to you and gestured for you to sit. You sat in your favorite booth by the window and a waitress walked over.

"What can I get started for you?" she said, pen poised over the notepad.

"(Favorite Food) please!" you responded, "And (Favorite drink)!" You added, as an afterthought. She wrote it all down and hurried off. You stared out the window, thoughts drifting to Alastor. He really was quite attractive.. and smart too. Though that smile he always wore was a bit strange you had to admit. The bell to the diner jingled and you snapped out of your thoughts and looked around. You couldn't quite see who entered but then you heard a familiar voice.

"Tom! How splendid it is to see you! Table for one please!"

"Lovely to see you too Mr. Alastor! Sit down anywhere you please!" You heard footsteps tapping as Alastor came into view and walks into the main dining area. He spots you and his smile widens. Speak of the devil-  you thought.

"Ah! Y/N! We meet again!" He gives a hearty chuckle and walks over to you.

"Would you mind if I sat?" he says.

"No! No! Not at all!" You respond and gesture to the seat across from you. He sits and you two engage in a conversation. You both find out your sense of humor is the same, dark, which you both found surprising. You found out he liked to tell dad jokes. Witty, slightly stupid, puns, that made you laugh. He laughed along every time. You also learned he was a momma's boy. Though, he wasn't too keen on talking about his father. You figured out he liked black coffee and jambalaya and that he was born and raised in New Orleans. Just like you.  After you both finished your meals, Alastor insisted on paying.

"No really! I can cover my own bill-" You said, feeling slightly guilty.

"Nonsense! I insist!" He said and slapped $2 down onto the table to pay. You thanked him several times but he waved you off.

"'l'll see you around my dear!" he says with a chuckle and walks off. You slowly walked back to your house your mind on Alastor. He was just so.. well.. you didn't quite have the words. He was charming, romantic, friendly, and intelligent but yet there was.. something there. Something that gave you a bad feeling in your gut. You waved it off. It was probably nothing. You walked into your house exhausted and fell asleep right after brushing your teeth and changing.

-time skip-

You'd spent the last few days lounging about waiting for the letter that lets you know whether or not you'd gotten the job. As you and Alastor really seemed to have clicked you were hopeful. You hopped out of bed on this particular morning and quickly got dressed, hoping with all your heart that the little red plastic flag on the side of your mailbox was turned up. You padded downstairs and peeked out your front window. The flag was up! You did a little dance before putting on some shoes and walking to the end of your driveway. You grabbed your mail and, not bothering to go back inside, you flipped through it. Bill, bill, advert, then, you spotted it. A red envelope with black loopy letters addressing it to you. You smiled and quickly opened the envelope beginning to read:

Dear Y/N I am pleased to inform you that you have gotten the job! Congratulations! Your first day of work will be next Monday at 8 sharp. Looking forward to seeing you there! Don't be late

Yours sincerely,


You squealed with delight. Your dream job! All yours! And not to mention the most well-liked man in town would be your boss and radio partner. You looked back down at his writing. Gosh, he even wrote pretty. You blushed at the thought. Oh snap out of it Y/N! You chided yourself. Everyone knows he doesnt date. There's no reason you're any different! You walk back inside exceedingly excited for your new job.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now