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You and Alastor walked in, and the door slammed behind you. You jumped and Alastor chuckled. You glared and he stopped. The both of you began carefully walking through the hallway. It was dimly lit and cobwebs laced the corners. It was eerie, and your anxiety was slowly heightening. Your footsteps echoed and you took Alastor's hand, practically clinging onto him.

"calm down darling, no harm with come to you if you're with me." He said soothingly. You nodded, reassured, and took a breath. You both walked faster. The hallway was just starting to seem endless when a different light caught your attention. The end! You and Alastor quickened your pace and emerged in a large cavernous room. The two of you looked around. Whatever you were expecting, it wasn't this. Everything was white, blinding white. You began walking around. Your footsteps echoed and nothing came into view.

"Interesting.. this is quite interesting.* Alastor said, running his fingers along one of the walls.

"What is?" You said.

"I believe we may be in an illusion, of some sort. I sense powerful magic at work, and I don't like it." he said.

You gulped. This was only heightening your fear.

"I feel, we just need to find the weak spot, and the illusion will crumble revealing what's here." He said. "Be in the lookout for a piece of wall or floor that seems to be wavering or glitching." you nodded and continues looking around, this time observing closely. You were too far in to give up now.


I slowly made my way into 'gods' palace. I had been sent a letter, summoning me here and it wasn't as if I could refuse. The guards surrounded me, and I took the hint to follow what seemed to be the leader. They took me to a ballroom where 'god' was sitting.

"Lesley. Just the soul I was waiting to see"

"God.." I replied.

"I have a proposition for you. I'm sure you know your new little friends. correct?" He said. My eyes widened a bit and I nodded slightly. God continued, "Well, they're proving to be something of a problem. So my deal is, capture them and bring them to me.. and I'll let you go." I gasped.

"let me go?"

"Yes." He replied. I took a long breath. As much as I like my friends, they aren't worth giving up freedom.

"deal.." I said, and 'god' grinned.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now