"Sooo where are we going?"

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"Sooo- where are we going?" I asked Alastor as he lead the way across town. "Why, to my house of course darling!" You gulped. You were going with a man you just met, who you suspected was a murderer, to his house. This was nothing but a bad idea though you kept walking. You two walked out of the main town and down a dirt road. You walked for about a half mile before he stopped in front of a large red brick house. You stopped as well and looked around. You both were in the middle of nowhere with woods from every angle except behind, where the dirt path continues for miles behind and ahead of you. Alastor leads the way up the porch and opens the door, gesturing for you to go in. You hesitated but obeyed and walked in. Alastor walks in after you, closing the door. You look around. There is a hallway ahead of you and a living room straight at the end of it. It was a dimly lit room with a cozy armchair and a crackling fire along with several bookshelves filled to bursting with books. There was a radio on a shelf and a piano in the corner. Alastor began giving you a tour of the house. There was an enormous kitchen, every surface gleaming, two bedrooms, his and a guest one, a basement which you didn't go into, and several bathrooms along with a dining room and library filled with more books. "I take it you like to read?" You asked Alastor. "Oh yes! Very much!" He replied happily. You chuckled. "Me too." You sat down on a kitchen counter while he began making dinner.

-Alastor's POV-

This felt strange. I've never invited anyone over without the intent of murdering them but this woman.. was different. And the feeling that I am feeling is something I've never felt before. It scares me.. but it's not bad. I take out some meat from the fridge and began cooking it, barely keeping my eyes off her. She hummed watching me cook and I could feel a slight heat in my cheeks. Whether that was from the flames or blush I couldn't tell. A half-hour later and dinner is on the table along with two glasses of wine. Y/N sits and so do I. We both begin eating.
"You're a great cook!" Y/N says with a smile. I smile back.

"Thank you, darling!" I could see her face go slightly pink and I grinned.

"Uh- What kind of meat is this?" She says, changing the topic. I freeze. I grabbed it out without looking, my thoughts preoccupied. There was a chance it was venison, beef, or the mailman that came to my house this morning.
"It's- venison! I went hunting this morning!" I averted my gaze.

"I see! Well, it tastes great," she replies. I felt.. genuinely happy. For the first time in a while. And I liked it.

-3rd person POV-

Weeks sped by and Y/N and Alastor grew ever closer. Y/N got used to the sense of uneasiness she got around Alastor as he'd never hurt her or attempted to in any way, and Alastor felt drawn to Y/N. There was something there. A feeling neither of them had ever had before. A sense of caring for each other. And they both were content.

-Y/Ns POV-

I was getting ready to meet with Alastor at a local bar he'd suggested. My best friend Alex (Gender neutral so you can imagine them however you'd like) was helping me pick my outfit.

"How's this? I asked twirling around in an ankle-length black dress with poofy sleeves. (Here. If you don't like that then you can wear whatever this is just what im thinking)

"Perfect" Alex replied. I happily smiled and put on some accessories.


We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now