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We have eyes on the target. Y/N, Vaggie, Nifty, and I are behind a wall, staring straight at the back of Val's head.

"Ready?" I whisper. They all nod.
"GO!" I yell. Both angry and happy tears fill my eyes as I run into the room with the others. Val whirls around, shock written on his features. I lunge at him yelling the loudest I ever have, brandishing my spear, when I get slammed against the wall. Val begins laughing. All my anger dissipates, fear replacing it. Everybody else gets slammed to the walls as well. So... Maybe this wasn't as well thought out as we thought. Val laughs harder, louder.

"Angel, angel, angel." His laughter is gone as quickly as it came, his features hardening.

"You really didn't think this through, did you sugar?" His voice comes out in a low growl. I break out in a cold sweat and begin struggling against the invisible binds that still hold me to the wall. I give up as Val sweeps the room inspecting the others who look just as scared as I feel. I got them into this mess... It's all my fault! I should've just fucking sucked it up and continued dealing with him. I-it wasn't that bad anyway-! A tear silently falls as my brain buzzes, trying to come up with solutions to this mess we're now in. I think back to where everyone is and suddenly one thought comes to mind. Charlie.

"Charlie," I mumble. A loud crack echoes throughout the room and she appears. She takes in the scene and her eyes widen, then narrow. Horns start growing out of her head and her eyes change color. She looks scarier than I'd ever seen her. Val backed registering the immense danger he was now in. Charlie flicked her hand and Valentino was sent crashing into the wall. Hard. He fell to the floor, a Val-shaped dent in the wall behind. All of us were released from his magic and we all fell landing on our feet. I picked up the spear again and advanced toward a still-dazed Val. He looked up at me, slightly cross-eyed, and with one sharp move, I stabbed him. He shakily looked down at the wound and back up at me. I pulled the spear back out and quickly decapitated him. His hand slid off his neck and landed on the floor. I took a step back and fell to my knees. I stared at the body. There was a flash of pink light and a paper appeared. I slowly took it and read the top. It was... My contract! I quickly ripped it up into tiny pieces and threw them onto the floor. Tears pricked my eyes yet again, but this time they were ones of relief. Happiness. I smiled broadly and stood.

"I'm finally free.."


I was hurt. Not severely, but it hurt. Vox lay on the floor. The TV serving as his head truly did not do him any favors as breaking it was one of his biggest weaknesses. And it really was a big weakness. With the guards dead and Vox knocked out I walked into the studios and headed to the place Angel said Valentino would be. I walked in and they all whirled around brandishing weapons before they realized who it was.

"So?" I said. Angel looked up at me, a smile splitting his face. I glanced at Y/N. She looked happy too.

"He's free!" Y/N said. Angel nodded his confirmation and stepped aside to reveal the body of the one and only moth pimp. I smiled more sincerely at this. Once in a while, it was nice to do a good deed.

"Shall we head back to the hotel?" I said. They all nodded and Charlie took us back.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now