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Everyone had weapons. Everyone was angry. Everyone was prepared to make one hell of a distraction. I hadn't felt this alive since my turf wars days in hell, leading a practical army with my crush, husk, next to me. I grinned widely as some people kicked open the gates to 'gods' castle, the sheer amount of people easily outnumbering 'gods' guards. The group burst into the castle and immediately, chaos reigned. i could hear the sounds of random material clashing against metal swords, and the sounds of things breaking or being hit with heavy thudding sounds. I swung my baseball bat, easily smashing a window. it was only a matter of time before god came, and we'd be ready. As i thought that, a sharp chill crept up my spine and i swiveled. Speak of the devil, 'god' himself, standing at an entrance to the room, surveying the damage with an unamused look crossing his face. He clears his throat.

"ENOUGH!" everyone froze in place, a hush creeping over the crowd before god spoke again, "How DARE you! Such insolence! And from my own people?! Why I ought to kill every last one of you! And I just might!" he wove through the crowd until he got to me and sneered.

"I should've known. You pesky newbies just can't take a hint, can you?" he says, his tone icy. I sneer back at him.

"I guess not, now there's two ways this can go. The easy way, or the hard way."

"Oh? And what can you POSSIBLY do to me?" god grins, staring down at me.

"Hard way it is." A familiar static-laced voice says behind me. I swivel to see Y/N, and Alastor, hand in hand in front of the rest of the army and a group of mutant-looking angels. God narrows his eyes before calling for his own army, his smug smile widening.

"Let's see whatcha got."

-third person-

And so the battle began. 'God's' goonies easily overpowered by the masses of mutant angels. Each member of the crew took on one of the more important members for themselves, y/n fighting gods right hand man. But alastor stood in front of god himself, eyes narrowed in a battle position. He was back to his old self, it seemed, the man who had ruthlessly obliterated anyone in his way. But this was important, this was dangerous. The final battle that determined life or death. God pulled out a large spear, Alastor's eyes widening a bit as he recognized the angels weapon being drawn in front of him. He summoned a sword in retaliation as him and god began circling each other.

"Just give up now you worthless deer, before I kill you and your little girlfriend too." God said, grinning.

"Seeing as everyone on your side are the ones currently dying I sincerely doubt that darling." Alastor replied, a slightly smug smirk pulling at his features. God rolled his eyes and lunged at the deer, his spear aimed towards his heart. Alastor met the spear with his sword, making a loud clashing noise as the two began to fight. Spear vs sword. Alastor soon began to realize It was harder than he'd thought to really keep up with the entity before him, so he decided to resort to other measures. He snapped, keeping his gaze locked on god. Shadows began to swarm. As rare as they were in this 'paradise', alastor had managed to summon any ones there were. The shadows all lunged at god, blocking his vision and taking the weapon out of his hands. He screeched in annoyance  and a burst of light exploded out of his body, making the shadows vanish completely.

"I'm done playing nice, deer!" He said, irritation painted on his features. He held out his hand and the spear flew back into it before he lunged at alastor again. Alastor's eyes narrowed at he found it harder and harder to keep up with the entity. This wasn't good.

-Alastor's pov-

he was getting closer, and faster. I did all I could do prevent him, but it was hard. I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead, as I thrust the sword at him. He grinned and hitched the sword with his spear, flinging it away. I could feel my breath quicken, my heart pounding as I stepped back. My mind began to race as 'god' inched towards me, a predatory grin on his face. My usual demonic magic wouldn't work here- god would make sure of it. There was nothing I could do. I closed my eyes and winced in pain a scream escaping as I felt a spear enter my body before everything went dark.


You heard the scream. Of course, there were screams all around me, but you heard THE scream. Loud, and pain-filled and... staticky. Your eyes widened and you swiveled just in time to see alastor fall to the ground, god pulling an angel spear out of his body, a self satisfied grin on his face. you started at Alastor's body, shocked. You felt tears well in your eyes as a million thoughts raced through your head. He couldn't.. actually be dead.. could he?! You clenched your fists, drowning out the sounds around you. Your lover,  dead. Gone. Forever. Killed by an angels spear. Suddenly a memory popped into your head, one of you frying a gang of demons in an alley. Forcing a pain filled grin you clenched your fists tighter, first feeling a buzzing deep within your veins. Then came the crackling, on top of your skin this time. The electricity overwhelmed you. You could see the lighting-like blue crackles radiating off you, pure grief filling every inch of your body, down to the smallest pore. Everyone eyes were on you but you didn't care. Your eyes were on one person and one person only. God. He was looking at you with raised brows and you began walking. You weren't sure what you were going to do but you knew you need him to DIE. He raised the spear, but a burst of energy flew out of you, grabbing the spear like one of Alastor's tentacles and bringing it over to you. You clutched it and continued advancing on god. He evidently saw a chance at defeat as he started running but an electric shock emerged from you, knocking him down and paralyzing him. You stood over him, spear raised.

"It's. Over. " you said harshly, before bringing it down full force and stabbing him over, and over, and over, before he was barely recognizable. The power surge disappeared and you ran to alastor before falling to your knees and sobbing hysterically. You pulled him close and sobbed harder into his now still chest. Everyone around you walked closer, practically all of them being friends. Anthony walked over and kneeled next to you, his eyes welling as well as he comforted you. The rest of the group all walked to you, looking at Alastor's body sadly. All of a sudden there was a huge lurch from the ground and the usually light atmosphere became darker. You looked up, slightly alarmed.

"w-what's happening..?" You said, wiping your eyes and sniffing. Lesley stared at the sky, a sense of dread settling over everyone.

"This heaven... it's collapsing.."


(I think updates will probs be every two weeks, just cause I'm really busy with school, but enjoy this long ass chapter. Will alastor come back or not? oOoOooOoOOOoooo~

anyways, if any of yall want to request something that happens when they go back to hell I'm good with that! For now, peace out my guys -idiot)

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