Happy hotel

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You walked with Charlie and Vaggie through the city, listening to Charlie's chattering. The three of you arrived in front of a gigantic building labeled "The Happy Hotel".
"We're here!" Charlie says happily as Vaggie unlocks the door.
"Whoaaa-" you say as you inspect the exterior. "How did you get something this big??"
"My dad helped" Charlie replies. "But that's unimportant! C'mon, we'll give you a tour!" she says as she bounds inside. Vaggie follows and you do too. They give you a tour and the place is even bigger than it was on the outside.
"This is amazing-" you tell Charlie. "Do you have any clients yet?"

"Well... no," Charlie admits, a bit sadly. "But! We're going to go find someone famous to stay here and try to rehabilitate them! And right now I'm trying to get the news station to feature me so that I can advertise it more! I'm sure someone will check in soon!" she regains her cheeriness and bounces on her toes.

"Why don't you, Y/N, and I go find a client?" Vaggie says, taking Charlie's hand. Charlie nodded and you did too and so the three of you set off again. You walked around and Charlie stopped people and asked. Most people laughed in her face and a few just scurried off. The three of you were starting to lose hope when Vaggie spotted a tall pink demon with four arms lounging against a telephone pole.
"Isn't that the porn star?" Vaggie said. Charlie looked and nodded.
"It is! Oh, he'd be perfect! He's famous and if we manage to rehabilitate him we can rehabilitate anyone!" she bounds over to the demon and you and Vaggie trail behind.
"I charge extra for women." the demon replied puffing out some smoke from the cigarette he was holding.

"Oh! Oh no no that's not why we're here at all! Would you want to be the first sinner we attempt to rehabilitate in our hotel? We'd pay, of course, and you'd get a free room all expenses paid! You'd just have to be clean!" Charlie explained hopefully and pulled out a wad of money. The demon looked down at her considering everything.
"Hm... sure toots," he said and took the money, shoving it into the fluff he had on his chest. You smiled at the way Charlie was bouncing around ecstatically.
"I'm Vaggie, the bouncy one is my girlfriend Charlie, and the other one is Y/N," Vaggie said stepping forward. The demon raised an eyebrow at you for a second before looking away.
"I'm Angel Dust but you can call me Angel," Angel replied.

"It's SOOO nice to meet you, Angel!" Charlie said.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Now where is this place?" he said and stepped on his cigarette, crushing it with his heel.

"Follow us." You said. You, Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie headed off back to the hotel.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now