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(A N: Hey yall!
I published a new story im writing with my friend! It's a quarantine AU of Anthony and Johnathan (arackniss's human name) so you should totally go check that out! "Psychos in blood" on my page!
I also published a human radiodust story! "Change" on my page! Check that out as well!!)

"y-y/n..?" Alastor said, staring at you, his eyes full of recognition. Your eyes widened and filled with tears of joy. It worked! It really worked! You threw your arms around Alastor tightly and sobbed into his chest.

"I missed you! I missed you so much Al..!"

"I missed you too my dear..." he said, hugging you back tightly. "What happened..?" he asked. You looked up and wiped your eyes, before explaining the events of the last few months- starting from just after he died. Alastor listened intently, processing your words. As he listened, the white in his hair slowly started reverting to his original dark brown. The final sign he was fully and completely back. Alastor took a deep breath.

"Wow... That's.. A lot to process... I'm so sorry Y/N.." he muttered. You sighed.
"It's alright... It's worth it now that I have you back... I love you.. so much.." you hugged him again, feeling his lips gently press to the top of your head.

"I love you too... more than anything..." he let you both stay like that for another few minutes before he gently pulled away

"Let's go to bed dear... " he said soothingly. You nodded tiredly in response and you both headed to your room.


You and Alastor had both woken up early and decided to head downstairs. You were just making coffee for the both of you when the rest of the hazbins walked downstairs. You waved to them, handing Alastor his cup of black coffee. They all waved back and sat around the table. Husk was the first to notice Alastor's hair.

"....Hey mister fancy-pants- wasn't your hair white yesterday?" Husk narrowed his eyes as the rest of the group looked at Alastor as well. He simply smiled and took a sip before replying.

"Why, indeed husker, so very observant of you," he said, with a sassy eye roll. You snickered behind your hand and you sat next to him, leaning over and pecking him on the cheek. Angel stared.

".....Did you get your memories back?!" he said, excitedly. Alastor's smile widened.

"It appears I have!" he said, spreading his arms dramatically. Cheers echoed around the dining table as everyone came to hug the REAL Alastor. You noticed Alastor's smile become much more genuine as he hugged everyone back.
"I'm sure I missed you all as well. At least as much as I could've what with my memories gone." He chuckled. Everyone laughed as well and went back to their seats before happily starting a conversation. You glanced at your lover, not missing him wiping a single happy tear from his eye. Your smile only broadened as you took his hand, squeezing it tightly. He squeezed back and you leaned against him. The worst was over. You had your lover and your friends, and you truly couldn't ask for more. All was...perfect.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now