Chapter 10: The Divine Revelation

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As Karna floated away, his cries pierced the air, a haunting lament that echoed the pain of his mother's choice

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As Karna floated away, his cries pierced the air, a haunting lament that echoed the pain of his mother's choice.

Suryadev, observing from the heavens, was overcome with anger and sorrow. His fury manifested in scorching heat waves that swept across the world, threatening to bring about unprecedented destruction, a reflection of his tumultuous emotions.

Amidst the chaos, a serene presence emerged - that of Lord Mahadev. His form exuded an otherworldly tranquility, a stark contrast to the tempestuous energy that had gripped Suryadev.

"Suryadev," Mahadev's voice carried a soothing cadence, "the sun's purpose is for creation, not destruction. Let the radiance that fuels life guide your emotions." Suryadev's fury subsided, yielding to the calming influence of Mahadev's words.

"Mahadev," he uttered, his voice a blend of anguish and confusion, "why would a mother cast away her own child, the flesh of her flesh?"

"Suryadev," Mahadev's voice carried a soothing cadence, "as the river of destiny carries forth its currents, Karna's path is set in motion. The choices that shape his journey now lie with those he will encounter."

Mahadev's eyes held a profound wisdom, and his voice resonated with enigmatic clarity. "Kunti decided what she thought was right, and she'll experience the outcomes of that decision. Destiny is a blend of human choices and divine intentions. Kunti's choice has set Karna on a path that intertwines with the destinies of others. The choices they make will ripple across time and shape his ultimate purpose."

Suryadev's gaze softened, the storm within him gradually subsiding as he absorbed Mahadev's words. "But how can such a heart-wrenching choice lead to a greater purpose?"

Mahadev's smile was both compassionate and mysterious. "The river of destiny flows through valleys of sacrifice and peaks of transformation. Karna's journey will illuminate the lives of many, sparking virtues and igniting changes that resonate through the ages."

Suryadev's eyes held a glimmer of understanding, the weight of his anger gradually giving way to a sense of acceptance. "Mahadev, will he find happiness, despite the trials that await him?"

Mahadev's gaze seemed to penetrate the very essence of existence. "Suryadev, happiness is a tapestry woven with threads of countless moments, each dyed with hues of both joy and sorrow. Karna's path will be challenging, yet through his experiences, he will uncover a strong sense of purpose that extends beyond fleeting happiness."

Suryadev's brilliance began to regain its calmness, his heart moved by Mahadev's insight. "Thank you, Lord Mahadev, for guiding me through my turbulent emotions and revealing the deeper currents that shape Karna's destiny."

Mahadev's enigmatic smile lingered as he responded, "Imagine the river of time, always flowing without stopping. Karna's journey is like a small stream within that river. Just like a dance, fate is complex and full of surprises. Even when things seem difficult, the universe is creating a special plan."

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