Chapter 21: "Divine Schemes??? - Radha Ma??? - Vasusen???"

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(So you must be wondering how does Aditya know Radha

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(So you must be wondering how does Aditya know Radha. Let's get into a flashback - back to 3 years ago, just a few weeks after the adoption of Aditya.)


Bhishma, as usual, embarked on his morning ritual, making his way to the tranquil banks of the river for his prayers and to commune with his mother, Devi Ganga. The soft lapping of the water against the shore provided a soothing backdrop as Bhishma immersed himself in his devotions.

After completing his prayers, Bhishma called upon his mother, invoking her presence. Devi Ganga emerged gracefully from the depths of the water, her ethereal form radiant in the morning light. Bhishma greeted her with reverence, his heart filled with love and respect for the divine mother who had blessed his lineage.

As they conversed, Bhishma shared tales of the palace and its inhabitants, particularly highlighting the joy that had enveloped the royal family since the arrival of Aditya. He spoke of the unwavering love and devotion showered upon the young prince, emphasizing how Aditya had become the heart of the palace, bringing happiness to all who knew him.

Devi Ganga listened intently to her son's words, her serene gaze fixed upon him as he spoke. She absorbed every detail, her maternal instinct attuned to the well-being of her descendants. Yet, even as Bhishma spoke of the palace's jubilation, Devi Ganga's gaze drifted towards the distant bank of the river, drawn by an unseen force.

Bhishma, still engaged in conversation, notices his mother, Devi Ganga, gazing intently at something in the distance. Curious, he follows her gaze and sees Adhirath, his charioteer, accompanied by his wife, Radha, engaged in fervent prayers to Suryadev. With a solemn expression, Bhishma leans closer to his mother and softly remarks, "Mata, he is Adhirath, my charioteer, and that is his wife, Radha."

Devi Ganga, her expression tinged with sadness, turns to Bhishma and replies, "I know, Putra, who they are."

Puzzled by his mother's somber demeanor, Bhishma inquires, "Why do you look so sad, Mata? What troubles you about this couple?"

Devi Ganga meets Bhishma's gaze, her eyes reflecting her sorrow as she confides, "Radha has been barren for years, despite their marriage. Every day, they come here to pray to Suryadev and to me."

Understanding dawns upon Bhishma as he realizes the depth of Adhirath and Radha's anguish. "I see now. That explains why Adhirath has been so despondent lately," Bhishma muses aloud, recalling his previous attempts to alleviate Adhirath's apparent distress.

Devi Ganga's voice trembles slightly as she continues, "Under different circumstances, had the threads of fate been woven differently, I would have entrusted Karna to Adhirath and Radha. They would have been the chosen guardians for Karna."

Threads of Fate: Karna - The Son of Two WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now