Chapter 19: "A Day in the Life of Hastinapur"

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As the first light of dawn once again bathed the city of Hastinapur in its golden glow, the bustling streets and lively markets bore witness to the passage of time

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As the first light of dawn once again bathed the city of Hastinapur in its golden glow, the bustling streets and lively markets bore witness to the passage of time. Three years had flown by since the secret adoption ceremony of Aditya, the radiant prince of Hastinapur, and much had changed within the royal family and the kingdom itself.

Within the heart of the palace lay the grand royal sabha of Hastinapur, a place where decisions of utmost importance were deliberated upon and royal edicts were pronounced.

The sabha exuded an air of regal magnificence, its towering pillars and intricately carved arches serving as a testament to the kingdom's opulence and grandeur.

At the center of the sabha, the seat where the king's authority rested lay empty, symbolizing the weighty decision yet to be made regarding who would ascend the throne of Hastinapur.

On one side of the sabha sat the venerable Bhishma, his presence commanding respect and authority, while on the other side, the royal matriarch, Rajmata Satyavati, alongside Gandhari, Dritharashtra, and his mother Ambika and Ambalika, exuded a sense of grace and dignity befitting their royal lineage.

However, the absence of Vidur and Pandu was noticeable, their chairs standing vacant, hinting at the important task they were entrusted with.

As the people of Hastinapur filed into the sabha, their faces filled with reverence and admiration, a hushed silence fell over the assembly. Guarded whispers and exchanged glances conveyed a sense of anticipation among the gathered royals, prompting Bhishma to inquire about the purpose of their visit.

Stepping forward with a sense of purpose, one among the crowd addressed Bhishma, "Mahamahim Bhishma, as you know, every year we celebrate Rajkumar Aditya's birthday as a grand festival." The mention of Aditya's birthday elicited smiles of warmth and affection from the royals, their hearts swelling with pride at the love and reverence shown by their subjects.

It was a well-known fact that the people of Hastinapur celebrated Aditya's birthday with unparalleled enthusiasm and devotion. Each year, the entire kingdom was transformed into a vibrant spectacle of celebration, with streets adorned in colorful decorations and bustling with various food fairs and cultural programs in his honor. What made this tradition even more remarkable was that the people of Hastinapur never sought any assistance or support from the royal family for these festivities. They took great pride in their ability to organize and execute the celebrations entirely on their own, within their means, as a heartfelt expression of their love and loyalty towards Rajkumar Aditya. This dedication and self-sufficiency spoke volumes about the deep bond shared between the people and their beloved prince.

After the mention of Aditya's birthday festivities, Rajmata Satyavati, with a gentle smile gracing her features, addressed the gathered crowd, "Is there anything you need assistance with? If there are any preparations or arrangements that require the support of the royal family, please do not hesitate to let us know."

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