"why would you ever kiss me? im not even half as pretty."

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as soon as i start walking away it starts raining, i'm soaked, i hate the rain.

but as i'm walking down the mountain i hear somebodies footsteps behind me, running.

by the time i hear them close i'm already down the mountain, nearly to the street.

i feel somebody grab my hand and flip me around, i look up, the rain pouring on me and.

it's no other than andy fucking goldfarb.

"a-andy what are you doing?" i ask and he pulls me close to him and puts his hand on my cheek as he pulls me in for a kiss.

we start kissing in the rain as it's pouring on us, i pull away and start breathing fast as andy wipes my tears.

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry for what i did to you." he says as he pulls me in to a hug and rubs my back and i smile.

he kisses me on the neck, "i'm gonna go home see you tomorrow?" he says and i'm still flustered from the moment all i can do is smile and wave.

i start walking home, replaying the moment over and over again in my head.

once i get home my dads there and he looks at me weird, "go take a shower before diner okay?" he says and i nod my head and run upstairs.

i grab a black tank top and plaid pajama pants and go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and smile.

i put my clothes done and get into the shower and wash my hair and body.

i get out and dry off with my towel, i change into my pajamas and go downstairs.

"i made your favorite" my dad says, i look at the table and see gufta, ((it's like meatballs and you put plain yogurt and hot sauce on them😍))

i smile and sit down, "wait why?" i ask and my dad and he smiles.

"because, you had a tough day and i thought this might help you feel better?"he says and he laugh's nervous a bit.

"thank you dad!" i say and i start eating dinner.

i finish and load my dishes into the dishwasher.

i run upstairs to my room and check my phone expected calls and maybe a few texts from andy.

nothing.. i shrug, "maybe he's busy.." i say and i put it on my nightstand.

i fall asleep.

//next morning

i wake up and change into grey sweatpants, white hoodie and a pair of uggs.

i grab my backpack and go downstairs, my dad is at work but he left a note.

'your lunch is in the fridge leftover gufta! :)'

i look in the fridge and see it and put it into my backpack, i grab my water bottle and but it in my bag too.

i start walking to school, and all i can think about is andy.

once i get to school i see kym and she smiles and waves at me, i go to my locker and put my lunch in there.

"hey have you seen andy?" i ask kym and she nods her head.

"yea i think he went into the janitors closet with stacy." she says and i laughs, "no actually where is he?" i ask and she laughs too.

"like i said look!" she says and im confused and then i watch as the door open and andy and stacy walk out and my confused expression just turns blank.

i turn around and look in my locker some more, "hey it's okay, fuck him okay." kym says and i nod my head.

i look at him and sigh, 'but i can't even help but love you, and even though you run me out dry. i still think your a decent guy.' i think to myself.

andy completely walks past me, not even acknowledging me.

kym taps my shoulder, "let's get to class." i say and i nod my head.

i put my airpods in and put on inside out by duster.

hiding my airpods with my hair, i sit through the whole class slightly listening, participating only when my song stops.

i look behind my and see stacy and andy flirting and i feel my breathe get stiff and heavy.

it feels like i'm drowning.

i shake my head, 'how stupid am i? why would he ever kiss me, i'm not even half as pretty."

i lay my head on my desk, "wake up wake uppp" rabbi rebecca says in a sing song voice and i put my head up and look around.

i make eye contact with andy for a split second and then he blinks and looks down and then back at stacy.

he looks guilty, i raise my hand,  "can i go to the bathroom?" i ask and she nods her head.

i start walking and andy follows me, i stop and turn around and he sighs.

"im sorry-" he says and i roll my eyes, "for what?" i ask pretending to be confused and untouched, like nothing happened.

"for um kissing you, it was a mistake." he says and i shrug.

"yea whatever it was just a small kiss it doesn't mean anything." i say and let out a small laugh, "plus you like stacy." i say and andy smiles and nods his head.

"yea yea.. but.." he says and i look at him confused, "but-?" i ask slipping off the fake act for a split moment, hoping for something anything.

"i don't really like stacy.." he says and i laugh.

"what do you mean? your dating her." i ask and he nods his head.

"i just- i don't know she's cool and all but, i don't like her i like-" andy says and my phone rings and i look down.

"it's my dad i should probably take this." i say and he nods his head as he starts walking back to class.

i put my phone back in pocket after answering his text.

i look up, "so an-" i look around not seeing him and i shrug and start walking back to class.

when i get there stacy looks upset and she's sitting next to lydia and andy is sitting alone, his hand holding his head up.

what happened...?

𝐈 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐄, andy goldfarbWhere stories live. Discover now