Mirror world

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When we were little, there was a child with whom we used to play. His name was Raj and he had a strange ability. He could pass through mirrors. We didn't know how he managed to do it, but it was the most natural thing in the world to him. He would simply ask us to stand on one side and then he would put his head in the mirror and walk out of it. When he was on the other side, he would turn and wave to us from the mirror world.

Raj could step into any mirror as easily as if he was passing through a door. It works with any reflective surface. He could come in and go out. Whenever he touched something in which he could see his reflection, his fingers would go straight into it. One day, he sat down at the edge of a puddle and simply put his feet in it, as if it were a bottomless pit.

He told us all what it was like to live in a mirror world... how different it was. Everything was almost the same, just the opposite. Left and right were flipped. He could see people's reflections as they passed by without him paying attention. Apparently, if the mirror were stained, the world in the mirror would also become blurry. If the mirror was tilted at a slight angle, the world in the mirror would also tilt and he would have to slide down the floor and then run back up to get out.

One day, a boy named Andy invites Raj to his birthday party. Simon entertained everyone by showing his mirror art. Eventually, Andy gets tired of attracting all the attention. They get into a fight and Andy chases him, but of course Simon jumps through the mirror and Mark isn't able to reach him. We all thought it was very funny, but then Raj took it too far. He turned to Andy's reflection in the mirror world and punched him in the face. He hit Andy's reflection with such force that three of his teeth were broken. Of course, Mark was fine, but his reflection certainly wasn't. After that, whenever he stood in front of the mirror, he would see his worn-out reflection with a swollen mouth and missing teeth and he would be unable to do anything to fix it.

One day, Andy decides to take his revenge. He corners Raj at the beach and drags him to an old fishing pier. Andy grabbed her ankles and held her upside down on the clear surface of the lake.

"If you ever do anything like that again," Andy threatened, "I swear I'll leave you in this lake! Seriously!"

Raj begged for his life and said he was sorry. Andy wasn't really going to hurt him. He just wanted to scare Raj. However, something went wrong. He intended to pull Raj back, but Andy was not as strong as he thought. He lost his grip and Raj fell. As soon as he hit the surface of the lake, he let out a terrible scream and disappeared.

When Raj did not come home that night, his parents called the police. They searched for him for several days, but could not find any trace of him. Just then, an old man who was fishing on the beach comes forward and tells the police that he saw Andy drop the baby into the lake while yelling something. The police arrest Andy and dig in the lake for five consecutive days in search of Raj's body. Police divers also descended there in search of the body, but did not find anything.

Till date no one has been able to find him. You see, the surface of the lake was like a giant mirror. Andy dropped Raj not in the lake, but in the sky...

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