The boyfriend

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A girl and her boyfriend were driving down a deserted country road at night. As they progressed, the night was becoming darker. Eventually, they lost their way and found themselves walking through a densely wooded area that neither of them recognized.

Suddenly, the car started wobbling and stopped. The boyfriend looked at the gauge and realized he was out of gas. No matter how many times he turned the key, the engine would not start.

The girlfriend started getting nervous because it was after midnight and they were stuck in the middle of the road and could not reach home.

The boyfriend got out of the car and looked around. They were in a deserted and wooded area. He could see only trees. It seemed as if there were no houses around for miles. He was completely alone.

The girlfriend got nervous and kept asking the boy to do something. He told her she needed to walk back to the main highway and get help.

The boyfriend could see that his fiancée was scared so he told her not to worry, he would be back as soon as possible. But the girl could see the worry on his face.

Kissing her goodbye, he asked her to roll up the windows and close the doors. Then he started walking on the road. The girl watched as her lover moved further away and eventually disappeared into the darkness.

Several hours passed and the girl sat trembling in the car, afraid of every shadow and noise she heard. She began to feel that her lover would never return.

Suddenly he heard a loud thumping sound on the roof of the car.

Tap, tap, tap.

She started panicking but was so scared that she could not go out and investigate. She kept trying to peek out the windows, but it was so dark that nothing could be seen.

Tap, tap, tap.

It seemed as if the tapping noise was continuing. The girl was very scared but she could not do anything.

Tap, tap, tap.

She was forced to crouch in the car all night and listen to strange tapping sounds. Eventually, she managed to fall asleep.

When she woke up and looked at her watch it was 9 in the morning but when she tried to look out of the car windows everything was completely black. She couldn't understand what was happening.

Suddenly, he heard a car coming nearby and he honked his horn three times. Then he heard a voice shouting "This is the police. Is there anyone in the car?"

The girlfriend heaved a sigh of relief. "Just me", she screamed. "My boyfriend left me here alone and never came back."

Ok. Keep calm", said the policeman. "Listen to me very carefully. Open the door, get out of the car and walk towards me. Whatever you do, don't look back."

The girl followed the policeman's orders. Even though her hands were shaking and her mind was racing, she opened the car door and got out.

"Now walk towards me", said the policeman, "and don't look behind you."

The girl started walking slowly towards the policeman but suddenly she stopped.

"Don't look behind you!" The policeman shouted.

But it was too late. The girl could not stop herself. She turned back and started screaming in fear.

Her boyfriend's body was hanging upside down from a tree branch above the car. His head was decapitated and blood was dripping from his neck, completely covering the windows of the car.

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