Treasure chest

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A 44-year-old man named Rohan recently moved into a new apartment in Mumbai. He was in town, shopping for furniture, but didn't find anything he liked. He was a fan of unusual furniture, but in every furniture store he visited, there was nothing that interested him.

Frustrated, he wandered down a narrow street, and eventually found himself outside an old antique shop. At the same time, he went inside to see if there was anything worth buying.

He was wandering in the corridors when his eyes fell on a strange-looking treasure chest. Just then, he decided to buy a unique piece of furniture. Handing over the money, Rohan asked the antique dealer to have the trunk delivered to his apartment that evening.

Hours later, he was sitting on the couch in his living room, watching TV, when he glanced to his left and saw something that took his breath away. Peering out of a hole in the side of the treasure chest, he was sure he could see a pair of bloodshot eyes. They seemed to be staring straight at him and glaring maliciously.

Rohan was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of unknown fear and sat still for a few seconds. Then, overcoming his terror, he jumped up and, opening the lid, ran towards the chest. Inside he saw that the trunk was completely empty.

Puzzled, he returned to the sofa and tried to calm his nervousness. She told herself it was just her imagination, but she was finding it difficult to get the hideous image of the menacing eyes out of her mind.

He felt strangely ill all night and tried not to look at the box. He became frightened just thinking what he might see.

At the end of the night, he was beginning to forget about his unusual experience, and put it down to a trick of the light. Just as he was about to go to bed, he stood up and couldn't stop himself from taking one last look at the box.

He stiffened and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Had terrible eyes. They were peeping out of the same hole as before and were staring at him with evil intentions.

In a state of shock, he let out a strangled scream and the eyes suddenly disappeared from the dark holes in the side of the chest. When he carefully approached the treasure and carefully opened the lid, he again found it completely empty.

By now, he was at his wit's end and decided he had to get rid of the mysterious piece of furniture. She picked up her phone and called removal service. He asked them to come bright and early the next morning. He said he had an old treasure that he wanted them to pick up and take to the town dump.

As soon as he hung up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he had managed to get rid of the chest and felt a little more relaxed, he went to bed.

That night, he lay tossing and turning in bed, his mind plagued by torturous nightmares. In his dream he again saw bloodshot eyes. They were peeping at her from every crack of her apartment. Hateful eyes were watching his every move and it felt like there was no way to escape their evil gaze.

He woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. His heart was beating at an alarming rate. The memory of those terrible eyes haunted him and he found himself unable to sleep again.

Filled with an uneasy feeling of refusal, he got out of bed and walked quietly into his hallway. Quietly opening his living room door, Mr. Bailey notices a treasure chest placed ominously in the corner. Everything seemed peaceful and uneventful, just as he had left just a few hours ago.

But something about the chest still bothered him. When he went to bed, he was sure he had closed the lid of the chest, but now it was open. Suddenly a chill ran through his body. He felt as if the treasure was waiting for him and giving him the courage to go towards it.

Like a man lying unconscious, he felt unable to resist and slowly walked towards the open chest.

The next morning, workmen arrived to collect the trunk. They saw that the front door was open and an old treasure was kept in the middle of the room. The workers lifted him on a dolly and took him outside to the road, where their van was waiting.

As they loaded the trunk into the back of their van, they never heard the faint screams coming from inside. As they walked towards the city's trash bin, they never heard the desperate knocking coming from the old treasure chest.

When they reached the garbage dump, the workers parked their van at the edge of a cliff and pushed the casket over the edge. He fell straight down, hit the rocks and overturned one on top of the other while falling down. With a loud splash, it hit the water below and sank rapidly, disappearing beneath the surface.

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