(Ch.1) Wth? Oh yeah, schools' a thing.

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I sigh and rub my eyes before yawning and turning off my alarm, which had been the reason I had woken up the way I did. 'Maybe that's why my ears were ringing?'

"School....Damnit,.....and I have work..." I irritably groan and kick my feet off the bed and make my way over to the dresser to get an outfit out.

I grabbed an outfit, just some cargo pants with a studded belt, combat boots, a black bodysuit and my dark green parka zipped to my bust. (90's style, duh)

After I grab my clothes I walk into my bathroom that's connected to my room and hum to myself as I close the door and undress out of my pajama shirt.

As my clothes hit the floor I hear a creak. I don't think anything of it because the house is old, ever since I moved here since that incident at the sorority house in Montreal it's been like this.

Creaky and old.

Though the house had an old feel to it, always like I was being watched, but I've grown used to it so I just brush it off.

I hum to myself as I look at myself in the mirror, turning and looking at my body from the side, looking myself up and down with a frown, not liking my body composition.

I let out a sigh and looked at myself from the front in the mirror and leaned into it and stared into my own eyes for a few 10 seconds before letting my eyes roam the rest of my face, a routine I usually do before showering.

I smile to myself and take my hair out of its signature style and brush my hair before getting in the shower and closing the curtain, turning on the faucet and feeling it till it was nice and hot, then turning on the shower head.

I yelp slightly out of surprise but then sigh contently as I'm engulfed in warmth.






After rinsing off my body I sigh and open the shower curtain feeling the humidity of the bathroom surrounding me. I quickly grab a towel and rub it against my hair, scrunching it and drying it moderately before bending over and shaking it vigorously before standing up straight again. My hair falling in my face.

Blowing a puff of air to get it out of my eye I wrap the towel around my torso and pat myself dry, before stepping out and looking at myself in the mirror again for a bit, before putting on deodorant and putting on the outfit I had picked out prior.



I move to my jewelry and put on my necklace with my step-dad's dog tags, my rings, and my leather bracelets on each wrist. Next I adjust my necklace.

Then I do my slight makeup routine which just consists of black eyeliner on my under eye, and slightly on my lid, and some natural reddish-orange eyeshadow bronzer for a kind of tired look, but not too noticeable, a little mascara too.

Happy with the natural look I smile and pull out my perfume and spray myself enough, but not too generously.

After getting ready I head downstairs as I run my hand along the old walls, pick up my backpack from one of the kitchen chairs, and make my way out the door. "Off we go....Lord."

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