(Ch.22) oh...

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L/n residence




Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Billy's words, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. She couldn't tell if she was flattered or scared, she's always like horror movies and slashers and what not, she's always wanted one to be obbsessed with her, but this one...she wasn't expecting. She could feel the intensity of his grip on her wrist, his words hanging heavy in the air between them.

"Billy..." she whispered softly, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and tenderness. "I'm...I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.."

She reached out with her free hand, gently placing it over his where it rested on her wrist. She could feel the tension in his muscles, the weight of his emotions pressing down on him like a heavy burden. His breathing was heavy too.

"You're not alone, Billy," she continued, her voice steady and reassuring. "I'll always be here to support you, with food, if you need someone to talk to, I uhh...no matter what okay? I may not know you well...but I'll make an effort."

Billy's grip softened at her touch, his gaze meeting hers with a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude. Yet his eyes still held rage, pent up rage, she could tell, he wasn't just 'like this' no his childhood was fucked, like hers, but it seems his had a harder affect,

"I can't say I understand, but I can listen and hope it brings you comfort, or closure, everybody's experiences...are different hun, and...if you want to sit there...in silence even, then that is perfectly fine." She said gently.

"I.... I'm going to be home for a while, I got suspended from school so I'll be here more often." she said as he harshly let's go of her wrist and gets up from his chair, slamming it back in place and walking out of the kitchen.

Y/N watched silently as Billy abruptly let go of her wrist and stormed out of the kitchen, the sound of the chair slamming against the floor echoing in the tense silence. She furrowed her brows, feeling a pang of concern for him as she cleaned up his dish and placed it in the dish drainer.

Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the living room and settled onto the couch, her mind racing with thoughts of how to best support him during this difficult time. Then again it's probably always for him... But she does LOVE playing therapist and mom....

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of determination wash over her. No matter what obstacles they faced, she was determined to stand by Billy's side, offering him the love and support he needed to navigate through whatever storm was going through his nappy head... Speaking of which she probably is going to have to ask him to shower...

"That wouldn't be too rude would it? Like if I asked in a nice way.. Like 'hey I noticed your hair is uncomfortable for you, or your clothes are itchy how about we blah blah blah, shower, something something' I think that could work..." She spoke to herself.

Minutes passed as she sat in boredom reading a Greek mythology book that she picked up, reading one of her favorite myths, which originated from Greek antiquity, The story of Icarus.

It often reminded her of herself, flying to high into the sun, in her case, expectations, and then falling to the sea and perishing, which in her case, climbing too high to meet everyone's expectations, to be good enough for others and herself, but still feeling like she isn't doing enough, like she isn't climbing, even if her friends look up to her.

She was reading when she heard a loud thud and footsteps, she looked up a bit, like if she were an animal her ears would have perked up, 'that's a funny analogy,' she chuckled to herself

"Billy? Is that you?" She said calmly as the foot steps got closer... 'These footsteps are heavy as shit, is he that pissed!? What did I do!?' She thought nervously to herself.

Y/N's heart raced as she heard the footsteps draw closer, her anxiety mounting with each heavy thud. She swallowed hard, her grip tightening on the edges of her book, ready to defend herself if need be. But when a large hand suddenly grabbed the back of her neck, lifting her roughly from the couch, her breath caught in her throat. And she tried to keep her grip on her book but she dropped it.

She froze, her eyes widening in terror as she recognized the figure before her. His dark eyes devoid of any humanity as he loomed over her. His imposing figure sent shivers down her spine, and she could feel her pulse pounding in her ears.

The mask he wore seemed to amplify the sense of dread that filled the room, its blank expression giving nothing away of the horrors lurking beneath. Y/N's mind raced as she tried to comprehend the situation, her instincts screaming at her to flee, but her body paralyzed with fear.

As he stared down at her with an unsettling intensity, Y/N's thoughts raced back to the stories she had heard about him, about his relentless pursuit of his victims and his chilling determination to them, never stopping.he was relentless.

She knew she had to act fast if she wanted to escape his clutches, but fear rooted her to the spot, leaving her helpless in the face of impending danger.




(Rah, I'm hoooooooome)

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