(Ch.28) Delusional

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Meek's residence




Randy and Y/n lay curled up on the couch, the glow of the TV casting flickering shadows across the room as they watched Black Christmas. The tension of earlier had dissipated, replaced by a sense of intimacy as they leaned against each other, lost in the world of the movie, Randy was emerged, as well as Y/n, she could never get enough of the movie, or why it, for some reason, brought her comfort.

As the minutes ticked by, Y/n's eyelids grew heavy, the warmth of Randy's presence lulling her into a peaceful slumber. She drifted off, her breathing slow and steady, unaware of the darkness that awaited her in the realm of dreams.





In her sleep, Y/n found herself standing in the familiar landscape of her dreams, for once having enough peace of mind...to change the domain from the boiler room, to her own house?

Odd, she doesn't think she dreamed that up either, must be the dream demon, her suspicions being confirmed when the haunting silhouette of Freddy Krueger loomed on her wall. Unlike before, there was no sense of fear or dread, only a strange sense of familiarity as she approached him.

"Freddy," Y/n greeted, her voice surprisingly calm as she faced the infamous dream demon.

Freddy's burned face twisted into a grotesque grin, his clawed glove glinting in the dim light. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite Bitch," he chuckled, his voice dripping with malice.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, unphased by Freddy's menacing demeanor. "What do you want this time, Freddy? Another round of mind games? You know I'll win." she said, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Freddy chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Not this time, sweetheart. I'm here to offer you a deal," he replied, his voice echoing in the empty void of her living room.

Y/n cocked her head, intrigued despite herself. "A deal? What kind of deal?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued, though she grimaced a bit.

Freddy's grin widened, his claws flexing menacingly. "You and I, we're not so different, you know. We both have a taste for the... unusual," he explained, his tone cryptic.

Y/n frowned, sensing a hidden agenda beneath Freddy's words. "What are you getting at, Freddy?" she pressed, her eyes narrowing with suspicion her voice laced with a twinge of agravation. "I swear if you pull anything nasty, your ass is grass."

Freddy's grin turned predatory, his burned face contorting with glee. "Aww, don't be a Debby-Bitch-Downer, we can both control your mind. Not only that but...you're not...completely helpless, I like that~" he whispered, his voice laced with temptation.

Y/n recoiled, the implications of Freddy's offer sinking in. "Yeah, no. You do realize if I was any younger the pedo aligations would just get worse for you, right?" she declared, her voice firm with resolve.

Freddy's laughter echoed through the dream world, the sound sending shivers down Y/n's spine. "You say that, but you thirst over older guys all the time," he taunted before she quipped his comment

"Yeah, well usually they are from movies" she defended.

"Usually they are serial killers in movies too, Bitch, you're freaky and you know it." He quarried with an evil grin.

"Yeah, no, I'll pass." She said taking a step back.

"This isn't about my lack of common sense okay?" She huffed as she looked around.

"Has my house always been this dull? Damn... Where are the lights" fading into the darkness, leaving Y/n alone with her thoughts.

"Oh that's why" she said as his cackling faded into a blur.

As Y/n's dream began to unravel, she jolted awake with a gasp, when she thought she fell into another dream.

One of those dreams where you wake up in the actual spot you're in but no matter how much you move, your eyes still see the same position. Half conscious is her first thought, then sleep paralysis, her heart pounding in her chest.

Somewhat underneath her, Randy stirred, concern etched on his face as he reached out to comfort her. Then did she finally come too, it didn't make much sense at first, felt unreal untill she found herself grounded. Seems like only the interference of another person can make her fully conscious again. She sighed with relief as she hugged him too.

"What happened?" He asked in a groggy tone.

Y/n clung to Randy's reassuring presence shaking her head, signaling she was fine now. her mind reeling from the encounter with Freddy. Despite the disgust of her dreams, she felt a newfound determination to confront his ass and maybe, just maybe, Castrate him.




(Womp womp, hellllo 😮‍💨 I love disappearing)

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