(Ch.27) Movie madness

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Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she whirled around to face him, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief, before she started laughing again and playfully shoved him, her heart racing with a mix of surprise and amusement. Despite the initial shock, she couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, realizing it was just the boy being his mischievous self.

"Tate, you scared the shit out of me!" Y/n exclaimed, trying to regain her composure as she playfully punched his arm. "Seriously, don't do that again."

Tate grinned sheepishly, the tension dissipating as quickly as it had come. "Sorry about that, couldn't resist," he said, his tone apologetic yet tinged with a hint of mischief. Tate's lips curled into a sly smirk, his gaze locked on Y/n with a hint possessive intent.

"Just thought I'd give you a little scare, sweetheart," he said, his tone dripping with thinly veiled aggression, mainly torwards Randy.

Randy, though still wary of Tate's intentions, couldn't help but let out a relieved chuckle. "Man, you really know how to make an entrance, you know this guy? " he remarked, glancing at y/n though his eyes still held a glimmer of suspicion.

"Yeah! He's one of my, errrrr, friends outside of our group you could say." She said with a smile as went through her pockets and pulled out a pen.

"Speaking of which... Here is my number if you ever need anything, like help with schoolwork, help with... Stuff in general, you know?" She said kindly as she wrote it on Tate's hand.

She knew a bit about Tate's home life because of the group therapy of course, they he didn't talk much, about his sister and his mom, and about the ghost's.

Tate shrugged nonchalantly, his playful demeanor back in full force. "Just keeping you on your toes, Randy," he replied with a taunting wink, though Y/n could detect a subtle edge to his voice. Randy grimaced a bit behind y/n's back.

Tate knew his name, killer material, he already knew he used to be a school shooter, but it seems that Y/n doesn't give a shit, which in his opinion, it either makes her really stupid, or it makes her the perfect final girl material to get the killer to have a soft spot for her.

"So, school's out for a bit, heard you got suspended a few hours before that, honestly terrible timing" Tate says with a smile.

"Right!? That's what I'm saying! Why bother suspending me, or at least keeping my suspension when everyone else is just gonna get called out of school anyways!?" She rambled before rolling her eyes.

"Honestly, dude needs to be fired, he's worse than the old biology teacher"

"Im surprised nobody pulled you off of that kid, then again it was... Truly a sight to see," Tate said with a smirk, wrapping his arm around
her shoulder.

"It was actually really badass, hot even, if I was that kid honestly....." He trailed off into La La Land.

Y/n couldn't help but snicker, whether he was joking or not she loved how he could lighten the mood, and somehow flirt with her without making her uncomfortable or self conscious, that's usually how she felt when guys flirted with her, she wasn't... Really into explicit things, she's fine with everything else, but it would take a lot of convincing to get her to do anything to do with straight up sex, unless shes really, really, realllllly set on that person and really trusts them, no touchy down there, and she's good.

"Black Christmas, right... Y/n?" Randy said grinding his teeth a bit before clearing his throat. The tension was thick. His knuckles white from gripping his jacket behind her.

"Oh yeah! Lets go find it!" She said as she got out of Tate's hold and got closer to Randy, taking his hand in hers. Now was taken his turn to be jealous.

As Y/n extricated herself from Tate's hold and moved closer to Randy, a surge of relief washed over him, momentarily dispelling the cloud of jealousy and tension that had enveloped him.

He felt a rush of warmth as Y/n's hand intertwined with his, their fingers fitting together like pieces of a puzzle.

"Yeah, let's find that movie," Randy replied, his voice softening as he returned Y/n's affectionate squeeze. With Y/n by his side, her touch grounding him in the present moment, Randy felt a sense of reassurance that everything would be okay.

Tate watched the exchange with a knowing smirk, though a flicker of disappointment flashed in his eyes before he masked it with a nonchalant shrug.

"Guess I'll catch you guys later," he said, his tone casual yet tinged with underlying tension.

As Tate disappeared into the aisles of the store, Y/n turned to Randy with a playful grin.

"Looks like it's just you and me now," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Randy chuckled, the tension easing from his shoulders as he returned Y/n's smile. "Wouldn't have it any other way," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

Hand in hand, they made their way through the rows of movies, their laughter mingling with the soft hum of the store's fluorescent lights. Despite the lingering echoes of tension, Y/n and Randy found solace in each other's presence, In a strange but comfortable way.

And as they finally located Black Christmas She squealed as she picked up the VHS

"LOOK RANDYYY!" she whisper-yelled as she grabbed his hand again and dragged him to the checkout counter like a child with icecream, Randy couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the girl beside him, her warmth and companionship a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty.

She always seemed to be like that, and he knew deep down she loved helping and providing. Thats what made her... Her.




(_____no correct answers😞💔_____)

Not that smart... (A slasher various x fem!reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora