(Ch.15) Holy fuck, HOLY SHIT

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Santa Carla



3rd pov


"It's been a while, huh?" Y/N said with a smile, her eyes reflecting the warmth of shared memories. She turned to Michael, gesturing towards his bike. "Get on your bike, Mikey. Let's make some memories tonight."

As Michael prepared to join the ride, Y/N couldn't help but express her gratitude. "Thanks for the bike, by the way. Jesse is a real treat. I can't thank you guys enough for letting me have her," she remarked, her hand affectionately patting the seat of her motorcycle.

David, overhearing her words, chimed in proudly "Jesse, huh? Seems like you've formed a bond with your ride. That's the spirit of the open road."

Y/N nodded, a twinkle in her eyes. "Absolutely. Jesse and I have been through quite a bit together. There's something special about the freedom of the ride, especially in a town like this."

With the Lost Boys by her side, Y/N revved up her motorcycle, the engines roaring to life in a harmonious symphony of power. She laughed in excitement, oh how she loved riding. 

The night stretched before them, filled with the promise of adventure and camaraderie. As they embarked on their journey through the shadowy streets of Santa Carla, the echo of laughter and the hum of engines blended into the soundtrack of a night that held secrets, thrill, and the boundless spirit of the open road.

She still felt off about them, she knew eventually something would happen, her stitches would come undone, and something might happen, something to do with her blood she knew, the frog brothers always talked about vampires, so she was on alert, whether it was them, or it was someone out to get them.

"God, it's been so long! I've missed this! I FEEL SO FREE!" Y/N exclaimed with unbridled enthusiasm, her arms raised triumphantly in the night air. The wind whipped through her hair as Jesse carried her through the winding streets. The Lost Boys rode alongside, their own bikes adding to the exhilarating chorus of engines.

The night seemed to stretch endlessly before them, a canvas of freedom and possibility. Y/N, suspended from school and wrapped in the thrill of the ride, embraced the moment with a contagious energy. Her intuition about them lingered, a subtle awareness that added an extra layer of mystery to the night.

As she navigated the streets, Y/N couldn't shake the peculiar coldness she sensed from them. The knowledge of vampires in Santa Carla, shared by the Frog Brothers, whispered in the back of her mind. Yet, in the present, surrounded by the rush of the night, she chose to set aside her reservations and live in the blissful ignorance of the moment.

The moon hung in the sky like a silent witness to their journey. Y/N, with dried blood on her thumb, reflected on her mind, who she was, what she was.

As the engines roared and laughter echoed through the night, Y/N's infectious spirit captured the essence of living in the now. Suspended from the constraints of school, she reveled in the liberation that only the open road and the company of friends could provide. thats what was most important right now.




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