(Ch.26) Boo

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Meeks' household




"So you got suspended? That's bad timing." Randy said as he stared at the Tv screen.

"I know.... But you know how much I love putting assholes in their place" Y/n said smiling

"Leaves more time for me to see you, so I'm fine with it." He said.

You might be wondering, what the hell is going on right? Well after Y/n decided to blow a hole in her wall by separating two burly men, she got drunk off of like 9 shots of fireball and woke up the next morning in her bed. Somehow like always, never having a hang over or throwing it up. Either she has a super liver, or she's going to die from kidney failure and alcohol poisoning one day.

Of course everyone in the house made sure she didn't go anywhere and surprisingly see she didn't. She just walked up to her room after almost face planting up the stairs and went to bed.

(This is based off my experience, I ain't no light weight 🥱)

Right now, 2 days later, she was at Randy's house snuggling up to him, head on his shoulder and hand on his chest as he leaned back and had his arm around her shoulders. Of course they were watching a movie, like always, sometimes He would rant about parts in the movie but she was fine with it and would rant too. Maybe to clear up her head from all this mess.

Right now they were watching one of his favorites, of course it had to be Showgirls, although y/n felt like it was more of an erotic film than a thriller, she's watched it many times with Randy and at this point her eyes burned. Perhaps to humor him or because it makes him happy, she didn't know. The point is, she watches it with him because it's his favorite, and that's all that matters.

"I have a movie recommendation," She says causing Randy to turn his head a little. "Have you watched.... Black Christmas? It's based on a true story," 'Definitely a true story..I would know' she thought

", It's one of my favourites." She continued.

Yes, behind the irony of being terrified of Billy at first, the movie was much more tame than the real thing and for some reason to her, in some creepy way, they made it hotter than what it was too, but she's still salty her character wasn't in the movie, but that's also good, because she doesn't want to tell anyone about it either.

"Black Christmas? No I don't think so." He said.

"WHAT!?" She said in exclamation as she got of the couch and stood in front of the TV,

"I'VE WATCHED YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE WITH YOU LIKE 50 TIMES, AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN MINE!?" She asked in fake betrayal. Before falling to the floor and putting her hands on his knees and begging him, to her she was just being playful, but... In this position with her that close, and Randy's little virgin brain... Things weren't looking too hot, well, they were, but you get the idea.

"Please, please, please!!!!!" She whined with her hands together like she was praying.

"I... Uh... Yeah, sure.." He said before clearing his throat. "We'd have to rent it though, unless you have it at your house and we could w-"

Not that smart... (A slasher various x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now