(Ch.16) Gotta do what you gotta

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Santa Carla




3rd pov


Y/N, caught in David's unyielding grip, struggled to free herself. David, taller and stronger, held her slightly off the ground. The tension in the air escalated as she winced from the pain, her attempts to break free met with the firm resistance of his hold.

"I-" she winced before continuing. "it's not my business to tell. You know I'm not a snitch, David!" She exclaimed, her voice strained with both physical discomfort and defiance. Clawing at his hands, she fought against the unyielding force that kept her captive.

David's gaze remained impassive, wisdom cloaked them, he was a good leader, astitute. The Lost Boys, silent witnesses to the unfolding drama, aside from Micheal, he was scared for her but only observed the clash of wills between his leader and the resilient girl he'd come to admire like the rest of them.

The struggle played out like a dance between predator and prey, the sands of Santa Carla witnessing a moment that blurred the lines between loyalty and self-preservation as the girl kicked, and clawed.

The night, steeped in ancient secrets and the echo of forgotten alliances, held its breath as Y/N grappled with the forces that bound her to her fate? No, she refused to die here, let alone to people she'd call her friends.

Y/N winced again, turning her head to the side as David brought his lips to her neck, planting a chilling kiss against her skin. The cold sensation sent shivers down her spine as his words resonated in the night air.

"You know too much. You've always been too smart for your own good, Y/N. So, we either kill you... or keep you," he uttered, his voice low and ominous.

A hushed tension settled over the group as the weight of David's words hung in the air, they all knew. They knew, what that was, Y/n didn't know, but she knew whatever her reaction was, was how they wanted her to react, sadistic assholes, but she cared for them. Y/N, caught in the web of primal instincts, found herself at a crossroad.

"David, you don't have to do this. I won't tell anyone, I swear," Y/N pleaded, her words desperate and laced with a flicker of fear. The struggle for freedom intensified within her as she grappled with the reality of the choices laid out before her.

Dwayne and Marko exchanged silent glances, their expressions revealing a blend of curiosity and uncertainty. The sands of Santa Carla seemed to hold their breath.

In the midst of the dramatic confrontation, Micheal, desperate, stepped forward. "David, she's right. Killing her won't solve anything. We can figure this out without resorting to that." She glanced at him quickly, she couldn't have heard that right.

The air thickened with unspoken tension as the Lost Boys confronted their own internal conflicts, they couldn't kill her, yet it would be so easy, too easy. Y/N's fate hung their hands, what to do with their allegiance, betrayal, and the ever-encroaching darkness? She's not new to paranormal, she wouldn't just tell someone, she was honest and good to her word, she had to make them see that somehow...

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