(Ch.10) School shooter?

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School parking lot



Y/n's pov


 I leaned against my girl Jesse while smoking a cigarette a habit I only did in real life when I was nervous or anxious. I've been waiting in the school parking lot waiting for Tatum and Sidney to arrive so I can check up on them, I've always been an over protective friend and it racks my nerves having someone try and hunt them down and kill them, if it was up to me I would find that fucker and wring his neck out.

I'm determined to keep them safe, and if I cant do that then what kind of friend am I?

I'm sitting in my thoughts, God what am I supposed to do, Dewey says he has all this shit handled, but does he actually?

I mean come on man, we cant even trace the calls, even Detective Fuller was better than that. I think reminiscing the detective from Montreal, God if only I could get a piece of that. I roll my head to the side and chuckle to myself before taking a puff of my cigarette.

"yummy detective" I mumbled out loud.

"nice ride" said a voice, I turn around and see that dirty blonde hair and his classic green plaid.

 I smile at him and puff another blow from my cigarette.

"Hey Tate, how you doing hun?" I greeted him with a grin. I love calling people names, makes me seem more inviting, and it also adds to my charm I suppose, that's what Stu would say anyway.

Tatum on the other hand would make a fuss about it.

"As good as I can be right now...you?" he asked as he walked closer and examined Jesse. I pat her seat and smile.

"Eh just waiting up for my girls, you know? This is Jesse, she's my baby." I say as I run my hand along her seat.

"Where'd you get it?" He asked.

"HER, not it, I got it in some beach town called Santa Carla, or whatever, the so called murder Capitol, it's chill I guess. Got it from a couple of shady guys, they were cute though." I said as I rolled my shoulders before seeing Sidey and Tatum walking up the sidewalk. I shuffle with my jacket and lean off of Jesse, before looking at Tate.

"Hey, I'll see you in biology, later" I started to walk away after I said my farewell and I put my cigarette out on my tongue before throwing it away.

"Hey girls" I said with a cheerful smile, they both waved back and smiled, Sidney looked better, she looked less stressed than she was last night, that's a good sign.

"Hey!" Tatum said with a smile, she's definitely been trying to keep Sid happy, or at least less stressed, she's good at that.

"You disappeared last night, Dewey said you went home at like 1 in the morning." She said.

"You left your car" Sidney interjected.

"Right! Did you walk home?!" Tatum looked like she just now remembered to say something she had forgotten.

"Yeah, I didn't want my headlights to bother anyone.. I was going to get it later." I said with a casual shrug, and kicking a rock in my path.

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