chapter 001.

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one. nothing less than true romance.

Crimson hair blows in the bitter night air and Lyra shifts her weight from her upper thighs to her butt. The rusty pick-up truck digs into her flesh but she ignores it, fingers swiping the cigarette from her friends lips as he approaches.

She wears a wide grin, hopping down into his arms, "Nice of you to finally make an appearance, Kurt." She tells him, inhaling from the half burnt cigarette when they part. He wears a grin that meets her words with sarcasm, eyes rolling slightly.

"I got lost, tried to find Maggie but it's too dark, i can't recognise anyone without shining my torch in their eyes."

Lyra's posture straightens at his girlfriend's name but it's quickly forgotten with the end of his sentence eliciting a giggle from her red stained lips. Smoke crowds the two, more than could've been caused by the straight between Lyra's fingers. They ignore it.

"And you couldn't have called her name?" She asks, her tone wounding Kurt like a scratch from the bitter air. She really thinks he's that idiotic.

"I don't know if you've been in there yet but it's pretty fucking loud. No way she'd hear that shit, even if i was screaming bloody murder." They both glance towards the mine opening and Lyra chuckles at the thought. Kurt screaming his lungs out, his girlfriend obliviously dancing to shitty pop music.

Maybe then he'd finally realise they weren't made for each other.

Lyra exhales the last of the smoke, throwing the bud under her black platformed boots, watching as Kurt's eyes follow the fishnets upwards of her legs, snapping out of his gaze when he reaches her skirt.

He clears his throat and she can't help the smirk that turns the corner of her lips upwards. He was her high school sweetheart, they promised to wait for each other till they were both ready, and then Maggie had come along and disrupted everything.

Kurt swears he loves her, but deep down they both know he doesn't look at her how he looks at Lyra. But Lyra herself, she doesn't know if she even wants him anymore, or if she simply wishes to spite that bitch Maggie.

"Well then, are we waiting for anyone else?" Kurt asks, his voice falls awkwardly among the quiet, knowing he'd caught himself having thoughts he shouldn't. Lyra grins despite his change in demeanour and offers a hand for him.

On instinct, Kurt accepts and she drags him past the truck.

"Everyone's already in. Come on." She ushers him into the mines, nails pressing into his shoulders to guide him through the tunnels. She uses his tall slender frame as a shield from the recklessly dancing intoxicated crowd.

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