chapter 017.

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seventeen. tear you apart.

          No matter how long she spent attempting to decipher Billy's hesitation to kill her, Lyra was stumped. He didn't understand it himself, and it left them questioning what on Earth made her so special?

Tom's head rests against the pillow, his arm under it for support as he watches her climb into bed beside him, a smile unusually absent from her face. That wasn't right, she was always happy after putting Brahms to bed.

"Am I missing something?" Tom asks kindly, knowing not to ask if she's feeling alright. Hell receive and nod or a sheepish 'yes'. But that wasn't good enough, something was plaguing her mind.

"Billy and Stu are killers." She tells him truthfully, attempting to get comfortable in his arms but he pulls away. He looks at her as though she's gone insane.

"And you decided not to tell me? What if they try to—" Lyra takes a sharp inhale, this isn't going to go well. She's been keeping secrets, the note, the call, going to the boys house. It wasn't on purpose at first but if she didn't tell him now it would only make things worse.

"They did try. Well Billy did." Lyra admits honestly and it takes seconds for Tom to rise from the bed and make his way out the room. Lyra sighs deeply and buries her face into her pillow before she realises.

He wasn't just angry with her and storming out, he was getting his miner suit. She jumps up, eyes wide as she runs to the guest room it's kept in, met with the sight of Harry Warden.

He barges past her, dragging his pick-axe across the wooden floor and Lyra's frustration grows as she intercepts his path again.

"Listen to me, he tried, but he couldn't. I'm still here I'm still alive." She speaks quickly, attempting to push on his chest but his mind is thoughtless and empty as he stalks out the front door. She follows him, bare feet getting scratched up by the paved ground.

"Harry please, listen to me. You couldn't kill me— or you didn't want to, I don't know, but Brahms wouldn't either. Now that Billy knows he can't, they're not gonna do anything, please just listen to me!" Lyra yells at him, tugging on his arm attempting to keep him in place and Harry growls,

"I am not like them." He tells her, catching the glimmer of fear in her eyes before he shoots out his arm and jabs her in the temple with the end of his pick-axe. It was as gentle as he could bring himself to be as Lyra falls to the grass, unconscious.

He pauses in his step, Tom outraged by Harry's actions as he battles to take control. Harry suffocated him, his mind back on his mission. Kill Billy Loomis.

"Brahms!" Harry calls, the boy quickly moving to the agape window of the attic. "Take her inside, it's your turn to put her to bed!" And with that, Harry is off, letting his anger out on trees, wildlife, cars, people. Anything in his path he will destroy. Because he is the miner killer of Harmony. And he thinks he needs to break this town in a little bit, starting with Billy.

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