chapter 002.

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two. it'll happen again.

           Two years since he'd left town and Tom Hanniger was still the latest gossip and the inhabitant of Lyra's thoughts.

As traumatic as it had been that night in the tunnels, Lyra had developed a morbid interest for the events that haunted the town. It was probably such a thing that had driven the two best friends apart.

Kurt had become a stranger to Lyra. For awhile they refused to leave each other's side, bonded together through a horrendous shared evening. And then while he moved on, met a perfectly respectful woman and fell in love, began police training, Lyra simply could not.

It was as though she was afraid it would happen again. Not that history had a tendency to repeat himself, after-all Harry Warden was dead, wasn't he? And yet she couldn't shake the sinking feeling of being watched.

It was a misty morning, petrichor hanging loosely in the air, clinging to Lyra's clothes as she entered the small dinner at the end of her street.

"Hey Dale, would you write my name on the sign in, please?" She's received with a warm smile by the older man sat at the counter as he scribbled her name in cursive.

Lyra discards her jacket on a hanger in the back room, replacing it with her apron. She switches the ties behind her back and pulls them to the front, tying them in a respectable bow.

"Lyra?" Dale calls without looking up from his book, hoping she's still in hearing range. She hums loud enough for him to hear, smoothing down her apron. She's always told to tie the apron behind her back but can't seem to part with the cute bow that hangs over her torso.

"There's a man came in looking for you, he's in the restroom right now." Lyra pauses in her actions, her thoughts going to Kurt, wondering why he'd come in. She doesn't have any male friends as sad as it seems and her father died when she was young. She was all out of guesses.

"What's he look like?" She supposed she could just wait for him but the curiously just might've consumed her by then.

"To put it simply, it's someone i didn't expect to return to this town. Tom Hanniger." Lyra's jaw drops but she's quick to shut it, noticing him walk out of the restroom, looking around as he wanders to a table in the corner.

"And he asked for me specifically?" She whispers, leaning across the counter ever so slightly. She receives a curt nod from Dale.

"By name." Dale looks less than pleased as he glances to the oblivious man. None of the older residents of the town could stand him, most people of all ages couldn't in fact. They all blamed him for the lives that were lost in the last five years, they all wished it was him.

Lyra couldn't bring herself to wish death upon him, not after seeing him so close to the fate before her own eyes. He wasn't a monster, it wasn't his fault. He just made a mistake.

The girl glances at the mirror above Dale's head, tucking her bright hair behind her ears, feeling as though that had some how helped her appear more collected. She wasn't aware he even knew her name, let alone would recognise her from the incident. But what other business would he have with her?

Tom looks up as she approaches and he wears a polite smile that doesn't reach his eyes. It's almost eerie but Lyra pushes it aside as slides into the seat opposite him.

She removes the notepad from her waist's pocket and onto the table, perching her hands on her lap nervously. His emerald eyes bore into her and she smiles kindly.

"Is there anything you wanted, Tom?" She asks. Recognition floods his otherwise empty gaze, caused by her voice and the question itself. He tilts his head slightly, hands coming together to rest above the table.

"I'm not sure," his smile reflects her kindness and despite her confusion, Lyra feels comfortable. "That night..." Those simple words ignite a memory in Lyra, one that she'd be lying if she said she doesn't ponder often. But now, with this man sat before her it's ever so vivid. "I haven't been able to forget it, as i'm sure you haven't."

He offers a nervous smile, playing with his fingers as he ponders how exactly to get his words out.

"I guess it might sound a little crazy but since i left town i've been wondering how you're doing. I know a lot of people blame me for... everything that's happened." There's a distantly solemn look in his eyes as he forces his words out. He was resentful of himself, or everyone else she was unsure.

"If i may interject, i'd like to assure you that i don't blame you. The people who do are just mourning, looking for someone to blame and since Harry Warden isn't alive anymore, they've turned to you." She sees a vulnerability in his appearance, one that he doesn't show to others and so she takes a chance. Reaching across the table, she gently rests her hand over the back of his large one.

Her words and actions scream sympathy at him, encasing him in a comfortable warmth. He didn't want to be pitied or hated, he just wanted to be understood, and Lyra understood.

"It isn't your fault. You didn't kill those people and you're not a bad person, Tom." He swallows thickly, stunned at her forward comfort. It's not that he hadn't expected she'd be this way, it's that he hadn't anticipated it to be real. He didn't think he'd ever actually see her again.

"Thank you," he thinks back to what he was going to say but how can he continue after that? Her fingers curl around his hand, giving a firm squeeze before pulling away. The previous emotions are now replaced by serenity and comfort. Lyra almost entirely forgets what she's doing.

"Unfortunately i have to get to work, is there anything i can get for you? It's on the house?" She offers and before he can politely decline she rises to her seat and brings her notepad into her palms, "A coffee? Something baked?"

Pondering for a moment if he should take advantage of her kindness, Tom gives in.

"A black coffee, please." She grins and scribbles it on her paper, deciding to give him a breakfast bake also. He might not have requested it but he's had a pretty hard life, she figures a warm food offering is the least she could do.

"Oh and happy Valentines." She tells him with a fleeting smile.

"You too, Lyra."

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