chapter 023.

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twenty three. healing hearts.

Almost as soon as Lyra was dismissed by the hospital, she began to cry. Tears that Tom couldn't handle, nor could Brahms, one's that only Carrie seemed to understand.

She feels weak, pathetic even.

What would they do about the crime-scene they'd left behind? About Carrie's new powers? About Billy's life drawing on? What could Lyra possibly do about any of it? Nothing, exactly nothing.

It was all left to Tom.

Now she feels weak and useless.

Carrie, a heart much too pure than the world deserves had taken it upon herself to withdraw them both from college. A sleepover, she suggests, a simple evening that would do more to heal both the girls than a doctor ever could. Lyra instantly agrees.

Blonde hair wisps in the gentle breeze as Carrie hauls her bag past the threshold of Heelshire manor. She'd taken the news of Tom's identity surprisingly well, taking her time to research the man and his haunting history.

Strangely, she couldn't find it within herself to care. She too was now a killer. Of course, not quite on the same level, not even close. But he was sick, she can hardly blame him for that.

Lyra bounds over to her friend, taking the bag from her frail figure with a happy grin, one that threatened to crack and expose the somber expression concealed beneath it.

"I'm so excited. I've never had a sleepover before!" Carrie squeals innocently and Lyra's smile dims into a real one, less exaggerated, more peaceful. Carrie leaps into her arms and Lyra carefully embraces the girl, excitement rushing through her.

Carrie's definitely the best friend she's ever had. Fuck Kurtis, or anyone from her old life. Carrie's like her platonic soulmate. Her mere presence gives her self-worth.

"Me neither! Well, not one i've actually enjoyed." Lyra smiles and Carrie giggles, pulling back from the girl to observe her home. The architecture is beautiful— as are the decorations. Very vintage.

The ceilings are high and the layout is very old-fashioned, alluding to the long history the home has. Lyra's mind is clouded by Brahms and how he might be received by Carrie. She loves the girl and knows her heart is warm, she'd accepting Tom after all.

But the worry was still evident.

As though she'd summoned him with her thoughts, Lyra's head snaps up when she hears Carrie gasp. Brahms looms near the door to the hall and Lyra places a comforting hand on Carries shoulder.

"This is Brahms, Carrie. He's sweet, really, he won't harm you." Carrie's heart shudders back to its normal rate and she smiles politely, waving at the man.

"Hi Brahms." Brahms tilts his head, glancing to Lyra. She nods encouragingly.

"Hi Carrie." His voice sounds like a little boys, it swirls around Carrie's mind and while she doesn't understand it, she can't help but feel quite solemn because of it.

Sensing the awkwardness between the two, Lyra pulls Carrie along by her arm and to the nicest guest room. She'll have to say goodnight to her boys still first but she and Carrie could sleep in there together.

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