chapter 021.

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twenty one. confide in me.

Stu hadn't shown up today, which wasn't really surprising but Lyra vowed to visit him soon. Whether he'd be glad or not was a blurred line.

Currently that's not her worry, she's trying to find Carrie to take her grocery shopping and to the library most likely, missing the girls company. It wasn't just in her head anymore, please we're looking at her as she made her walk down the hall.

It was unsettling and when Lyra noticed people crowded around the doors to the winning pool, she realised all too quickly Carrie was in trouble.

She feels so stupid, had she really thought people would listen to her warning after she'd provoked those dumbass girls? She shakes her head and shoved her way to the front of the crowd, kicking her way into the room without care.

Christine looks up, barely sparing her a glance as she continues to tie Carrie to a chair. This is insane, how is no one helping her? They're in a fucking college, is there not a single person with a heart?

"Nice of you to join us, Lyra Mitchell." Christine drawls out her name in disgust and Lyra can't help the small smirk that graces her lips. She thinks confrontation is growing easy for her, not the best revelation to have currently. But she'll take anything.

Christine gives a small nod and two boys come out from their positions inside lockers, grabbing one of her arms each. Lyra looks around fearfully, attempting to free herself but it's no use.

Carrie sobs, her cries muffled by the fabric of whatever's gagging her. This is absolutely psychotic, worse than whatever Tom or Brahms had done. These people are insane.

"And so it begins. Carrie White. And Lyra Mitchell, Piggy's only friend." Christine speaks as though she holds all the power, circling the girl in the chair. "You're about to watch her die." Christine enlightens Carrie as the boys bring Lyra over to the winning pool in the centre of the room. She's forced to her knees, arms bent back and restrained as her reflection glares through the water.

A tear falls, rippling into the pool and distorting her reflection. She feels sick to her Stomach but not nearly as much as Carrie, the girl struggles to not vomit, knowing the gag would keep it inside.

"Go ahead." Christine tells the two boys, they obediently lower Lyra's head, one keeping a foot on the back of it so she's submerged. Her eyes fly open under the water as she struggles to hold her breath, knowing she has to.

Carrie cries and struggles, Lyra hearing the distorted taunts of Christine. She swears to god if she survives, or even if she doesn't, she'll have Harry tear her to shreds. And everyone else in this shithole along with it.

Lyra's red hair floats poetically above her struggling form and her chest burns, urging her to take a breath. She can't hold it much longer she feels. The foot on her head jolts her deeper and she can't help but inhale at this, water flooding her lungs as she lets out a scream from under the water.

Bubbles become visible on the surface and Carrie can take no longer, letting out a screech and managing to loosen her arms from the ties.

Her cry erupts through the walls, the sound waves impossibly visible as the boys are thrown back into the lockers they'd come from.

Lyra's body falls limp into the water and Carrie snaps her way free from the restraints, envisioning Christine extracted of all her air— and that's exactly what happens. She levitates, violently writhing and scratching at her throat until her skin is suctioned so closely to her skin that it erupts.

Her blood and flesh splats over the walls and Carrie but she's not done.

Lifting Lyra from the water, she thumps on her chest harsh and erratically, her tears falling freely. Tom burst through the doors after ushering the students away, his eyes falling to Lyra and switching instantly.

Harry stalks over to the two girls, shoving Carrie to the side carelessly. The girl sobs weakly, watching as Harry forces his palms into her chest, cracks of her ribs echoing through the room. He closes her nostrils and blows into her mouth, returning to thumping on her chest.

Finally Lyra splutters water out, gasping for the air she's been deprived from. Harry rolls her to the side, allowing her to excrete all the water within her as he rubs her back soothingly.

Carrie's laid on her back, crying freely when Harry moved to her. He holds Lyra in his arms, looking down at the girl.

"Come." He tells her simply and Carrie wordlessly follows, her tears relentless and body shaking.

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