chapter 029.

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twenty nine. it's not over yet.

A shrill cry of surprise leaves Lyra's lips as her eyes open, met with Freddy's twisted grin and burnt flesh crowding her line of sight. She can't help but roll her eyes at him when the cool metal of his blade drags across her jawline.

"Get out my face, dumbass." She sends a harsh shove to his shoulders and Freddy cackles at her lack of joy to see him. She best be grateful after he's enlightened her on yet another situation she's found herself in.

"By all means, take a seat, sweet." He speaks sarcastically, narrowed gaze on her as she sits up on the bed she'd woken from. For only a moment, she's hopeful to be in a location other than the boiler room but alas she was mistaken.

The bed just so happened to be in the centre of the sauna like location. She looks down at her wrists, feeling a pressure around them yet they're bare, she rubs them gently.

"Ah yes, your new boyfriend has you tied to your bed, would you believe the luck you have?" Freddy tuts, sending her an accusatory look. As though she can help being drawn to psychopaths and vice versa.

"Bo's like you?" She asks irritatedly. She'd grown affinity for the man and his kindness. Freddy looks disgusted at her comment. Why does she insist all killers are alike? Freddy's clearly on a level unreachable by the others.

"No, he's a human. I'm a dream demon. I'm way better." Lyra scoffs at his arrogant god-like complex. To her he's a disfigured creep — a nightmare so to speak. Yet he's safer than the real world in present moment.

"But is he a killer?" She asks, releasing her wrists once she's satisfied the uncomfortable feeling had passed. Freddy nods with a genuine smile at her awful luck.

"As is his brother Vincent— and Vincent's little pet. But not the other one." Lyra frowns, the fuck is he talking about Vincent's pet? Does he have a dog?

"The other one? You mean Lester? He's safe?" She inquires, Freddy rolling his eyes once more. If he doesn't stop doing that, Lyra might pounce on him. He's beginning to annoy her more than usual.

"They're all safe, if you know what you're doing. But Lester has never hurt a human, just little bunnies and deers." Freddy feigns upset at the thought of poor animals. "Bo's obsessive and possessive, he couldn't deal with the thought of you leaving so he dragged you home, knocked you out with chemicals and tied you to your bed. Kinky if you ask me." He wiggles his non-existent eyebrows and Lyra doesn't give him the satisfaction of showing her amusement at his comment. It was a situation and a half to say the least.

"And Vincent?"

Realising this would take awhile, Freddy takes a seat at the foot of the bed, facing the girl— who shuffles away from him, with a grin.

"He's the worst of them. You never noticed how there's not a single other living person in that town? Just you, Vincent's friend and the Sinclairs?" When Lyra realises he's right, Freddy can't help the cackle that escapes him. How can she be so unobservant? Especially while she's quite literally on the run?

"Yeah." She shrugs.

"There were people, but the brothers hunted them all, Vincent pouring melted wax onto their skin, turning them into living wax figures— till they die at least." Lyra's face twists in disgust. But the people at the funeral? They were all dead, the whole time and she hadn't even noticed.

"That's horrible." Freddy shrugs, careless and lacking empathy.

"Onto Vincent's friend, Billy Lenz. He's quite the character. He kills for sexual gratification, he's obsessive, neglected and honestly pathetic." Freddy describes the boy with intense irritation on his distant expression. Out of them all, Billy was his least favourite.

"Right, and he lives in the house?" Freddy nods.

"Bo knows, Lester doesn't. They don't include him all that much in their lives, he's kinda irrelevant. But he did lure you to Ambrose knowing they would kill you." Lyra frowns at the thought, she really did have no friends. She'd thought Lester to be the safest, having no blood on his hands, but he inadvertently still does, she supposes.

"What am i meant to do?" Lyra asks, quite upset by the revelation that Freddy is her salvation from her current situation.

"Live. You'll figure it out as you go and i'll enjoy watching it." Freddy shrugs, Lyra glaring at his dumbass smile.

"How can you watch my life?" She asks out of pure curiosity. Freddy clicks his fingers, pillows appearing under his body, a projection of the bed where Lyra sleeps appearing on the wall behind her.

"Comfortably." Freddy tells her. She gasps at the sight, the ropes around her wrists, Bo standing over her form, his fingertips tracing across her collarbones. She can feel it.

"You creep." She spits the words towards Freddy. He doesn't answer, a smirk still rested across his gruesome face. She feels tire entering her body, a pull as Bo's hand rests on her bare shoulder, giving her a slight shove.

"Morning—" Freddy begins, fading from her vision as her eyes fly open and Bo looks down at her intently, "—Lyra." He finishes, unaware of the dream demon that had been where he is previously.

She tugs at her restraints, fear circling around her gorgeous eyes, Bo smiles softly. His fingers replace their position, brushing across the soft skin of her exposed neck.

"Don't be afraid." He tells her. "You're safe now."

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