chapter 027.

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twenty seven. found a new addiction.

Lyra's face is tucked into Tom's neck when she hears it. A car's engine, ordinarily that shouldn't be such a terrifying sound. But as they were parked among trees in a large field — there was only one person it could be. And god knows, she would never let him find her boys.

It was a matter of time before Kurt drove close enough to notice his headlights reflecting off their car and Lyra struggled to think straight. Her eyes are watery, glistening invisible in the night.

Pressing a long kiss to Tom's forehead, she draws out of his arms and looks over to Brahms in the front seat. He sleeps peacefully, reclined and she knows if she utters a goodbye it would only wake him.

She exits the car silently, the bitter night air surrounding her otherwise warm skin uncomfortably and wasting no time, Lyra runs. She run's past Kurt's car, watching his eyes fly wide as he spins to chase her from within his vehicle.

Regret dug it's claws into Lyra almost immediately, she misses Tom, his warm embrace, his pretty eyes. She misses everything about him, she misses Brahms' voice, holding his hands and simply feeling safe with them.

She hopes they understand, if she's caught, that she didn't have a choice. That he would've found them all — that running to protect them was a decision she would've made a thousand times over. Even if it tore her heart into three.

"Sweetheart?" Bo's hand shakes her shoulder gently, swallowing in surprise when her dark eyes connect with his. She's a lot more gorgeous when she doesn't have dirt across her face. Lyra's glad to have been pulled from her dream/ memory, her heart aching for Tom and Brahms. Even Harry and his murderous attitude, she missed it all.

"Morning, Bo." Lyra smiles, sitting up against the headboard, smoothing the skirt down over her thighs and watching as Bo stood back up to his usual height. He was tall, it seemed every man she met lately was insanely tall. Besides Freddy but he was still at least a foot and a half taller than she.

"Brought ya Coffee. Didn't know how you take it— but by the looks of it, ya could use it." He hands her the cup and she grins at the smell. It's strong, Lyra almost feels it'll drug her back to health if she has so much as a sip and the thought is perfect to her.

"Thank you, Bo." He smiles awkwardly, eyes falling to the window and the scenery outside. His expression falls from a happy one.

"I was thinkin', if you're up for it, I'm going grocery shopping a few towns over, Ambrose is lovely ya see but our prices are a little too harsh for my likin'. You could come with — and after i'll give ya a little tour of the town? Since ya might be stayin' for awhile?" Lyra nods gratefully, loving the thought of hanging out with Bo. If she could figure out what he does day-to-day, she can figure how to help and contribute to be less of a burden.

"That sounds lovely, thank you." Bo smiles kindly at Lyra, his piercing blue eyes burning into her without fail.

"We'll leave in ten." He tells her, exiting the room just to go to his and watch what she does. Bo Sinclair is a simple man, besides his obsessive nature. When he's interested in something — or someone, he can't stand to take his eyes off them.

Think of it like a protection service, he must know they're alive. At every waking moment.

Sipping the Coffee, Lyra finds the way it leaves a trail of heat down her throat very pleasant. The taste is bitter but she hardly cares, appreciating Bo's kind offer.

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