chapter 031.

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thirty one. always be mine.

The rest of the tour was rushed, Bo having some underlying intentions that Lyra didn't understand. She followed him without complaint, occasionally complimenting his brother's work in attempt to act as though she wasn't frightened by the scenes.

"I can feel your heartbeat." Bo's whispers into Lyra's neck, his knuckles resting over her chest, arm slung over her shoulder. Panic rises within her but she smiles attempting to act calm. Her body must stop betraying her or Bo's suspicions might grow till he understands her knowledge and reason for discomfort in the house.

Her fingers wrap round a loop over his belt, she doesn't reply. Hoping he narcissistically takes that as an explanation. His charm is working, she's nervous and flustered, not at all aware of the blood on his hands. He doesn't seem to bothered, the light blush coating her cheeks urging his fingers to brush against them.

Lyra leans into his hand, keeping up pace as he awkwardly obsesses over her. His thoughts cause his eyes burn into her, to display his care.

"I think it's time ya meet Vin. Also Billy if he's behaving well." Lyra frowns at his words, he holds the front door open for her and gestures to the couch. She watches him lock the door, the key falling into the back pocket of his jeans.


Lyra's left to worry about the two strangers, who Freddy had warned her about. It's frightening, more so than meeting Brahms or Harry. Harry's a darker extension of the man she loves and Brahms is a shy, childish man.

But being in the home of a temperamental man with an obsession with her, his psychotic brother and their sexually violent friend was a bit too much. Lyra is alone and fearful, hope draining from her soul.

When Bo returns, Lester is following closely behind. There's another two sets of footsteps trailing after them and Lyra pushes herself into the corner of the sofa, as far away from the stairs as she can be. She wishes she still trusted Bo and that his comfort would be meaningful to her. But it wasn't.

"Family night is it, Bo?" Lester jokes, nodding politely to Lyra in greeting, she smiles awkwardly as he takes a seat opposite her.

"Billy's joining." Bo speaks, dismissing Lester's joke irritatedly. He returns to the living-room, two crates of beer under his arms. He places them on the table, planning to drink whenever Vincent and Billy wander back away.

Lester and Lyra both watch fearfully as a tall lanky man struts into the room first, his eyes search for Lyra hungrily. He heads straight for her, Bo's form standing to protect hers. He points it the couch and without a word exchanged, Billy takes a seat, Vincent following.

Vincent wears a mask, made of wax, Lyra assumes. From what she can tell, he looks very similar to Bo, except his hair is much longer and his clothes torn and tattered.

Avoiding Billy's strong gaze, Lyra observes him briefly, dark unruly hair falling down, tickling his lashes. Dark baggy clothes, a constant nonchalant expression that doesn't match his heavy gaze. He looks more frightening than Vincent, watching her as a hawk.

The wax sculptor doesn't even glance in her direction, bowing his head uncomfortably. He isn't at all how she'd expected, Billy is but that's only because he reminds her of a Billy Loomis. He's just another young dumb kid with one too many fantasies.

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