Chapter Fourteen

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When they returned to the BroZone brothers, they were talking at once about what happened, and JD held out a notebook.

JD: Here's a speech that I had made just now before anything happens to us.

Clay: Please, don't. I don't want to spend my last day listening to your boring speech. 😒

JD: It's not. 🙄

Floyd: Why can't we just sing, instead....(Looks at Poppy & Branch) Hey, Bitty B found her.

Spruce: Oh, thank goodness that you found your girlfriend, Branch!

Clay: Poppy, we were so worried about you.

Poppy stood there, looking at her feet. She could barely focus on them. Branch rubbed her back, lifted her chin, and smiled at her. She smiled back, took a deep breath.

Poppy: I'm so sorry guys. I didn't even know that those blueberries were poisonous, but I wanted to surprise you guys by making you a lovely breakfast....(tears filled her eyes)

JD: Oh, Poppy.... 🙁

Poppy: And I thought you guys would be upset with me and would hate me for what I did and you wouldn't want me to be your biggest fan anymore—I'M SO SORRY, GUYS!!!!!! (Cries)

Poppy got on her knees, busted out crying, hiding her face in her hands. She felt arms wrapped around her. She uncovered her eyes to find Floyd hugging her.

Floyd: You poor, poor thing....(cries) Please, don't be so hard on yourself, Poppy. It was a mistake. 😭😭😭

Spruce: (Sniffs and hugs her) Now you got me all teary. We don't hate you at all...we love you, right bros? 😢😢😢

They all nodded in agreement.

Clay: (Hugs) You are our biggest fan, right guys?

BroZone Brothers: Mhm. 🙂

JD: We know that you didn't do it on purpose. Like what Floyd said. Mistakes happen. (Hugs)

The BroZone brothers, including Branch gathered around and hugged Poppy. They all surprisingly cried with her too, including her boyfriend, who silently did it.

JD: Look at us. Having our first cry together....on camera.

Clay: Wait, you're recording? That is so worth doing it.

After they hugged, Poppy sniffed and smiled at them, thanking them for everything they have done for her. Floyd continued to hug her, and he didn't want to let go until he finally let go.

Floyd: You're so brave.....for just confessing the truth..... 

Poppy: Yes...I can't let you guys are my friends....I'm your biggest fan....

Floyd: Wow. 😯

Spruce: So...what are we going to do then?

Branch: Don't worry, I'm trying to find us a solution. 


Branch opened his backpack, rummaging inside of it. Clay and JD were lying on the grass, Spruce sat on the grass, taking deep breaths and Floyd stood, squeezing his body together.

Branch: Alright guys, I've got good news.

Everyone: HOORAY!!! 😁😁😁😁

Floyd: Oh thank goodness. 😅

Branch: And some bad news. 🙁

JD: Oh please, give us the good news! 😧 🙏

Spruce: Ooooohhhh.... 😫

Clay: (Nods)

Branch opened the page of the guidebook, skimming at it for a bit before facing everyone.

Branch: The good news is..............there's a solution to cure this.

Everyone: HOORAY!!!

Spruce: HALLELUJAH!!! 🙏

Branch: And it's with...(pulls out a jar from his backpack) Prune juice. 

Floyd: Prune juice? I don't know.... 😨

JD: Isn't that for old people? 🤔

Clay: Not true. Anyone can have prune juice, plus it has some great health benefits.

Branch: But the bad news is......................there's a 70% chance that we will deal with any side effects after we drink the prune juice, which we'll have to go through in order to get better. Fun fact: There is a 30% chance that nothing happens to you, which is rare. Drink up, guys!

Spruce: Really? Well, I hope that's me.


Spruce: NO, IT'S NOT!!


Floyd: (Mumbles) I hope I won't get the side effects...

Spruce: THAT'S NOT TRUE, JD!!!

While they argued, Branch pours them each a cup of prune juice into each of their empty water bottles. They all drunk their prune juice in one sitting, except for Floyd who kept taking multiple sips at a time until it was gone.

Poppy: Mmmmm...that was so good. 😊

JD: Agreed.

After they finished, they continued to walk, though at a slow pace still.

Floyd: Umm...what are these side effects?

Spruce: Yeah. Do you guys know what happens after you drink prune juice?

Floyd: I know....but this must be different than what I'm talking about.

Branch: (Gets excited) I'm glad you ask. Ooo, I've been waiting for this moment. (Opens the guidebook and clears throat) Side effects after drinking prune juice after eating Deceiving Blueberries....a Troll can deal with one or two side effects and then they'll be better in no time. It can be the following: Burping.....flatulence...

Clay: Aka passing gas, aka breaking wind, aka pooting, aka JD when he tried to do a split a few days ago.

Clay busted out laughing while JD cringed and shook his head. Floyd and Spruce snickered, Poppy covered her mouth, hiding her smile, and Branch coughed, trying to hold back his smile.

Clay: And do you want to know what else was funny? He ripped his pants too.

JD: Tragic.

Branch: (Clears throat) Okay, back to the is....puking....

Spruce: Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

Branch: (Continues) and last but not least.....(eyebrows raised) Yeeesh....

Everyone: 😶😶😶😶

Poppy: What is it?

Branch: One word: Poop.

Spruce: No... 😨

Clay: (Claps once) I KNEW IT!!! 😆

JD: Obviously prune juice does that. 😐

Poppy: Ooh...I forgot about that. 🤭

Floyd: .......

JD: Well, we'll just have to keep walking until something happens to us...or not...who knows, right?

Clay: Guys.....

Poppy: Uh, oh....

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