chapter 314

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Victoria didn’t know how to handle Esther and her crazy thoughts, so she decided to bring her to visit her dad in jail.

“I’m telling you, I’m being haunted by her spirit. She wants revenge,” Esther insisted. Her husband and daughter looked at her as if she had lost her mind.

“What is this? A horror movie? There’s no such thing as ghosts or being haunted,” Victoria rolled her eyes.

“What happened to Jenna was years ago. Ten years, to be exact. Why would she come to haunt you now? Why would you see her ghost now?” John asked.

Esther thought about it for a moment, then said, “Maybe it’s because of Elsa. Maybe Elsa coming back from the dead could have caused this.”

She found that as the only reasonable explanation.

“So Elsa coming back made your mind start playing tricks on you?”

“That’s the only explanation I have. I wasn’t like this before,” she shook her head, trying to get the voices out of her head. “I don’t want to go crazy. I don't want to lose my mind. What can I do to stop seeing Jenna's spirit?”

“If Elsa coming back to life caused you to start losing your mind, maybe her dying again might bring you back to normal,” John suggested.

They looked at each other as each of them thought about it.

“Yeah, that could work. That would get her out of my way for good and cure your crazy illusions,”  Victoria added as she started plotting.

“Okay, so how do we get rid of Elsa, for good this time?” John asked.

Victoria smirked. “I have a plan. You’ll lure her into the abandoned factory outside the city. No one ever goes there. Claim that you feel guilty and want to confess everything to her. Then, have a thug or two waiting for her who will kill her and dispose of her body immediately.”

When Lorna heard that, she smiled cunningly. “Brilliant plan. Let’s see how she’ll escape from that this time.”


Lorna held Elsa hostage the entire time. Jeremy was at his office when he got the call, and he immediately rushed to Hilltop Street.

The moment he stopped his car, he ran out to meet them. Only when Lorna saw Jeremy did she let go of Elsa’s arm.

When Elsa saw Jeremy, she just smiled and said, “You came to find me?”

Jeremy stood next to her and returned the smile. “Of course I did.” His eyes were filled with fear and regret. “Elsa, I-”

But Elsa didn’t let him finish and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. “Let’s go home, Jeremy,” she said as she snuggled into him.

This took Jeremy by surprise, but he was more than happy to not say anything more. “Okay.”

The drive was quiet. Elsa was just looking out the window absentmindedly. She did not wish to talk to Jeremy and was so happy when he didn’t try to start a conversation with her.

Jeremy held Elsa’s hand as he led her inside the villa. “I have a gift for you,” Jeremy said as they approached the living room.

“I wonder what it is.”

Jeremy locked his fingers with hers as he said, “I’ll give it to you soon.”

Elsa just simply nodded and didn’t say anything else.

They entered the living room. Elsa was just about to sit on the couch but froze standing on the floor.

That’s because she saw a little boy seated on the carpet. He had a book in front of him and crayons of different colors with him.

He was busy coloring a drawing of a cat in the children’s book. His concentration was very high, as if he was doing something very important to him.

When the boy heard footsteps, he raised his head and looked up to see Elsa and Jeremy. His adorable little face drew a nervous smile.

The moment his eyes met Elsa’s, Elsa felt a bone-piercing pain in her heart. It was so bad, she had trouble breathing.

The boy got up from the floor, carrying his drawing book. He walked over to Jeremy in an adorable way, as his big round eyes looked so innocent. He seemed excited to show him, but a little hesitant as well.

“Daddy, look, I colored my book all day,” he said with a childish voice.

Elsa let go of Jeremy’s hand. She couldn’t hold it anymore. She just couldn’t.

Jeremy looked at the child for a few seconds before taking the book from him and going through the drawings he had colored.

“They look very well done. I’m impressed with you.”

The exchange felt very soulless, like there was no connection or affection when they talked to each other.

He gave the book back to the little boy, who took it and then went quiet, not saying anything more.

Jeremy turned to Elsa and saw that she was just staring at the child.

She could guess the baby was perhaps two years old.

“I don’t think you two have met. Elsa, this is my son, Braden. Braden, this is Elsa,” Jeremy introduced them to each other.

Braden turned to Elsa and blinked innocently before saying, “Hello, Elsa.”

Elsa felt her heart skip a beat. Her breathing hitched, and her eyes got teary.

She didn’t answer Braden and just turned to Jeremy. “Is this your child... with Victoria?”

Jeremy saw the look in her eyes and understood. He nodded and looked away from Elsa’s eyes, feeling remorseful.

“Yes, he is.”

Elsa clenched her fists uncontrollably. Elsa felt the wound in her heart hurt even more.

‘my daughter, she would  have been this big in size right now.’

Looking at the child in front of her, Elsa felt like she was going to explode.

Just then, a sharp pain came from her tumor, making her wince in pain and fall on her knees.

Jeremy rushed over to her. “Elsa? Elsa? What’s wrong?”

But Elsa didn’t answer. She kept holding her head as she cried in a low voice.

Braden looked at Elsa with concern and then asked Jeremy, “Daddy, is Elsa okay?”

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