chapter 360

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"What?" she screeched.

Victoria instantly froze, her knees becoming so weak that she almost fell to the floor.

Rosanna, James, and Lorna were all so shocked that they got up from the couch and stood on their feet.

For The Old Master, he smirked. ‘Finally.’

Even George wasn't that shocked; he just wanted to know what Jeremy was going to use to get out of the life debt. He was a little surprised, but he looked calm at that moment.

Victoria couldn't believe what she heard. "Did Jeremy actually say he wanted to break off the engagement with me?" she thought.

How could such a decision be made so suddenly?

"Jeremy, what are you saying? How can you break off your engagement with Victoria when she has even given birth to your child?" Rosanna asked angrily.

Victoria was still her daughter; how could she not defend her? Victoria looked at Jeremy, confused.

With teary eyes, she asked, "Is it because of Elsa? I noticed you changing the moment she came back to life. Did she finally succeed in turning you against me, Jeremy?"

Jeremy frowned at the mention of Elsa. "It has nothing to do with my Elsa."

My Elsa?

Jeremy then eyed everyone in the room, making sure they were paying attention, before turning to Victoria and asking, "Do you still remember what I told you after Braden was found and rescued from the kidnapper?"

Victoria's face turned pale as she recalled what Jeremy had said to her that day. 'If I find out you had something to do with Raffi kidnapping and nearly killing my son, I am breaking off our engagement.'

Her face instantly turned as white as snow, and her entire body stiffened as she grew cold. She started to cry, knowing Jeremy didn't like seeing her in tears.

"Jeremy, you still don't believe me? I've told you, I wasn't involved in Bradie's kidnapping. He's my own son! How could I partner up with an outsider to kidnap him? Why would I do that?" Victoria explained anxiously.

This also made everyone present understand why Jeremy wanted to dissolve the engagement. He thought Vic worked with someone to kidnap his son.

"I will tell you the reason," Jeremy said calmly. "The reason why you kidnapped Braden was to frame Elsa and make her suffer from false accusations. You also wanted me to completely hate her. This is something you love doing and don't seem to want to stop."

When Victoria heard that, her heart started beating fast. She had covered her tracks; how could Jeremy have known she was involved?

"Jeremy, I didn't! You can't start doubting me like this. We've been together for so many years. Why don't you believe me?... Did Raffi lie to you? Don't believe anything he says, Jeremy. He has been working with Elsa; he wants to frame me—"

Jeremy interrupted coldly, "It also has nothing to do with the thug. I haven't even questioned him about the kidnapping."

Hearing that, Victoria was even more confused. They were all irrelevant? Then how was he so sure? Could there be any witnesses who might have overheard her plans and ratted her out to Jeremy? No, that was impossible.

"Then who told you such lies about me, Jeremy?" she asked with a broken voice.

Jeremy decided to tell her. "I went to the jail where you were detained when you got arrested. And I found out that one of your visitors was Raffi."

Victoria's face dropped as her pupils shrank. Visitors! Raffi had visited her in prison where they made plans. Victoria had paid the guard not to disclose that Raffi had come to see her that day.

But what she did not know was that the police officer did not tell the first investigator. However, when his shift was over, another police officer was on duty and he told the second investigator everything, including Raffi's visit.

Seeing the change in Victoria's expression, Jeremy looked at her with disappointment. Then, he smiled bitterly.

"It wasn't hard to get the CCTV footage. And in that prison, they have microphones under every table in the visitation room just in case something shady happens and they want to investigate. I listened to it and I heard you making plans to kidnap Braden and frame Elsa for it. Raffi did everything according to your instructions. Kidnapping Braden and wanting to kill him." Jeremy continued.

Victoria started panicking and trembling in fear. "No, Jeremy, that recording is lying. I didn't plan anything with Raffi. I promise."

Jeremy looked at her with cold eyes. "You still won't admit it at this point? Do you want me to play the recording of the conversation for everyone right now?"

Victoria didn't know what to say and her lower lip started trembling from fear.

Rosanna still thought Victoria was a good girl and said to Jeremy, "Play that recording right now! I'll never believe that Victoria would do such a thing! Even though I have suspicions that Elsa is my daughter, I know she was the one who kidnapped my grandson because of their animosity towards each other. It has nothing to do with Victoria. She was even arrested at that time, how could she act on anything while in prison?" Rosanna defended Victoria resolutely.

Jeremy simply smiled at those words and then reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone. "Okay, I'll play the recording for you right now," he said.

Seeing Jeremy reach for his phone, Victoria realized that he was serious and had actually recorded her conversation with Raffi.

"Jeremy!" Victoria suddenly called out to him nervously, tears streaming down her face.

She grabbed his hand, which was holding the phone, to stop him from playing it.

"Jeremy, I love you so much. I didn't want to see Elsa continue to bother you when she came back to life, and that's why I lost control for a moment. Please forgive me, Jeremy."

Who would have known that Victoria would confess on her own at the last moment?

And that was because she was afraid that if she didn't admit it now, she wouldn't even have the chance to regret it. Rosanna and James were instantly dumbfounded, looking at Victoria as she begged Jeremy for mercy in disbelief.

"Jeremy, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have gone to such lengths to get Elsa away from you. I was just so angry that she had caused you so many sleepless nights, only for it to turn out that her death was faked. I didn't want her to come back and continue deceiving you. Please forgive me. Don't end our engagement, okay? Jeremy..." she pleaded with a shaky voice.

Jeremy looked down at her, the girl he had once promised to protect forever and make his wife so he could take care of her. A sarcastic smile appeared on his handsome face. "I don't even have a recording like that. The visitation room in the holding center doesn't have microphones, so I don't have a recording of your conversation."

It seemed like Jeremy knew Victoria would confess just when she was about to be exposed so he tricked.

The air in the entire living room seemed to freeze instantly as Victoria's eyes widened in shock. She stared at Jeremy's handsome face, filled with disappointment and mockery.


He had actually set her up!

Victoria had confessed to framing Elsa with Raffi out of fear!

Jeremy  pushed Victoria away so she would stop touching him then declared with a determined voice,
“Because you partnered with a criminal to kidnap and threaten my son’s life? Victoria McConnell, engagement is now over!”

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