chapter 325

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Elsa and Victoria stood there, waiting for Jeremy’s answer.

Elsa was not as anxious as Victoria. That was because Jeremy not choosing her didn’t matter to her as much as it would matter to Victoria if Jeremy did not choose her.

“You choose me, right Jeremy? I’m the one you want to stay with, right?” Victoria asked with hope in her voice.

Jeremy gave her a quick glance before looking back at Elsa. Seeing the contagious smile on Elsa’s face, he found himself smiling at her as well. It was almost like he could not resist her no matter how much he tried not to. Not that he tried at all.

When Victoria saw this, she felt extremely jealous and called Jeremy again.

“Jeremy? You are choosing me, right?” Victoria asked again, that time with a raised voice to bring Jeremy’s attention to her and not Elsa.

Jeremy turned to Victoria with a smile still on his face. But when their eyes met, it slowly faded.

He then spoke, “Victoria...”

The mention of her name made her eyes light up. Victoria believed he wanted her to stay, and a cocky smile appeared on her face.

She then turned to Elsa, about to ask her to leave, only for Jeremy to continue talking. “... Could you leave the room and excuse us?” Jeremy said it with a calm voice.

Victoria snapped her head back at Jeremy, surprised. “You want me to leave?”

Her heart beat fast, but not before breaking in half.

“Yes. I want you to leave, and Elsa to stay.” Jeremy said sternly. His face was serious, with no show of regret or backtracking.

Victoria couldn’t believe her ears. Jeremy was choosing Elsa instead of her? How could she accept such a thing?

“Jeremy, how can you ask me to leave and Elsa to stay? Have you forgotten what I just told you about her? Jeremy, I have been by your side all this time. How can you treat me this way? I’m so hurt by this!” She started calling on her tears so she could guilt trip Jeremy.

Victoria wanted Jeremy to remember her saying Elsa cheated on him and not ask her to stay anymore. He should even kick her out, according to her.

But before she could start crying, Elsa burst into laughter next to her. She laughed so hard she almost lost her balance. The laugh was loud and mocking, enough to make Victoria angry.

She shook her head in amusement as she kept laughing while slapping her thighs. “You can’t be this desperate, Victoria!” she said in the middle of her laughter.

“You’re calling me desperate? How dare you!”

“Come on Victoria. You’re being desperate and you know it. He told you to leave, what are you still doing here? There is the door... Bye!”

Elsa even waved her hand at her, indicating that she should leave.

Seeing the mockery and the victorious smile on Elsa’s face, Victoria could not control herself anymore. She forgot about her gentle image she was supposed to keep in front of Jeremy and wanted to attack Elsa.

Victoria raised her hand in the air, her face turning ugly with anger. “You bitch!”

Before her hand could slap Elsa across the face, it was firmly held by Jeremy.

She turned to look at him, and his face was red with anger. “Must you hit her?”he asked with rage. His grip on her wrist was so strong, it started hurting her.

She could not believe Jeremy would hurt her like that. And because of protecting Elsa?

When Victoria saw how Jeremy was looking at her, his eyes filled with disappointment, she immediately started crying. “She provoked me, Jeremy. I never would have raised my hand to hit her if she didn’t provoke me.”

She kept crying as she said, “I only let my anger take over because I love you too much. I truly do. When you told me to leave, I felt so bad that I got angry. How could you treat me this way? How could you ask me to leave after everything we’ve been through together? Jeremy, I just... I just...”

She didn’t finish her sentence and started running out of the room, taking her hand back and crying bitterly.

Her wrist hurt was Jeremy’s tight grip but not as much her heart. Had Jeremy truly stopped loving her? How could he choose Elsa over her?

Elsa and Jeremy watched as she ran out of there, covering her face. “Aren’t you going to chase after her?” Elsa asked, turning to Jeremy.

Jeremy just shrugged and said, “I want to ask you for two things.”

“What are they?” Elsa inquired.

He took a step closer to her and asked. “First, will you please attend the white party tomorrow with me?”

Elsa was already planning on attending, but Jeremy did not know that. That was the party where she was  going meet with someone important, and also deal with Victoria.

“Of course I will. But we will have to meet each other there, if that’s okay with you.”

She did not want to go with Jeremy because of the meeting with the person.

Jeremy smiled lightly and nodded. “Sure, that’s okay.” Victoria had not completely left and was listening through the door.

Hearing an assurance that Elsa was going to the party, a plan came to Victoria’s mind. She was going to ruin this new relationship she had with Jeremy, just like she did the first time.

‘You think I will let you take Jeremy from me? You were never my competition before, Elsa, and you definitely aren't now!’

With that in mind, she went to make a phone call. Elsa was not going to get out of this mess, just like she could not the first time.

“What’s the second thing, Jeremy?” Elsa asked curiously.

Jeremy took her hand into his and locked the fingers together. He then looked deep into her eyes before saying, “Come, there is someone who wants to see you this evening.”

Before Elsa could ask who it was, Jeremy was already leading her out of the room.


I'm very sick right now. I am really going through it after changing environment (climate) after travelling far from home. The updates are not as constant because it's even a struggle to keep my head up. But I'll try my best.


Anyway, the next chapter is a star chapter. Very important to the storyline

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