chapter 335

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Braden was a surprising child. Elsa thought it would take him long minutes to even speak after finding him terrified on the floor, but it barely took five minutes of Elsa talking to him.

Elsa did not know that Braden was finding immediate comfort from her presence.

Elsa smiled and nodded. “Yes, I am still a little concerned about being under the bed because I am not as brave as you. So, my little brave soldier, would you be so kind as to escort me from under the bed and take me somewhere safe?”

Braden wiped his tears away and reached for Elsa’s hand. Elsa let him lead her from under his bed and took her somewhere safe.

When he did, he looked at Elsa to make sure she was fine, forgetting about how sad he was himself just a while ago. Elsa took his hand and brought him from his bedroom to hers.

She walked in with him and stopped at the nightstand next to her bed. She then opened the top drawer and took out a little blanket.

She had no idea why she was doing this, but she felt something inside her telling her to. She crouched on the floor next to Braden and turned to him with gentleness in her eyes.

“I want to be your friend, Braden. Will you let me be your friend?”

When Braden heard that, his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. He nodded happily. “Yes, because I want to be your friend too.”

Elsa felt her heart melt. She held the boy’s cheek and said, “Well, as your friend, I have something to give you.”

Then she let go of his cheek and held the small blanket with both hands for the child to see. “It’s called a security blanket,” she said, referring to the blanket.

Braden did not know what a security blanket was, so Elsa decided to explain it in simpler terms. “You see, this is Pikachu,” she pointed at the character on the blanket. “He is my favorite cartoon character on a show I’ll watch with you when you come back from school if you let me... Wherever I see Pikachu, I feel happy, comforted, and like I have a companion. I want you to feel that way too. So with this little blanket having Pikachu, when I hug it and snuggle with it, I feel the same.” She admitted to the child.

She hadn’t used this blanket ever since she came back to life. She left it in Jeremy’s villa, and when her personalities changed, she never saw the need for it. Maybe because she grew up. And maybe that growing up would mean she could offer her security blanket to someone who needs it more than she does.

Elsa then said to Braden, “If you ever feel alone or scared, take this blanket and wrap it around yourself. Let its warmth and softness envelop you and make you feel safe and let you know you’re not alone. Let it be your new friend, a new buddy.” She chuckled a bit. “A buddy who will comfort you and be there when no one else is.”

Elsa then wrapped the blanket around Braden. Its softness and the fact that it smelled like Elsa made Braden feel happy.

Elsa noticed a little smile on his face and asked, “Do you feel better?” Braden nodded then walked closer so he could hug Elsa. Elsa couldn’t resist and hugged the boy back, wrapping her arms around him.

Her wounds seemed to hurt a little less around Braden, despite the sight of him being a constant reminder of her lost daughter. They broke the hug only after a full minute. “What did you say his name was?” he asked as he pointed at Pikachu on it.

“His name is Pikachu,” Elsa answered him.

“Pikachu,” he repeated slowly then nodded.

“Come, your father made you breakfast.” She carried him in her arms and took him downstairs.

Jeremy waited impatiently in the kitchen with Braden’s nanny. When he saw Elsa bringing Braden, who was wrapped in a little Pikachu blanket, he was surprised that Elsa had been the one to find Braden twice. The nanny felt relieved, thinking she was now in trouble.

After Elsa put Braden in his chair, he went over to Jeremy and whispered in his ear, “Keep a closer eye on Braden. Maybe even take him to a doctor. Something is definitely bothering your son, and as his father, it’s your duty to find out what it is.”

Hearing that, Jeremy looked at Braden carefully. Was something bothering him?

After breakfast, Braden removed the blanket and carefully placed it in his backpack.

Jeremy drove him to school and this time, he took a closer look at his son. After Elsa told him to keep a close eye on him, he had to. “Braden, are you okay?” he asked the child as they stood in front of the school entrance, ready to leave him to go inside.

Braden turned to look at Jeremy. He seemed like he wanted to tell him something, but the words did not come out.

So Braden simply nodded that he was okay before running into the school building without saying anything to his father.

Jeremy stared at Braden until he disappeared around a corner. He asked himself when he would start looking at his living son and stop seeing his dead daughter.

Maybe Elsa had a right to blame him for their daughter’s death. He was indirectly her murderer. He didn’t even care when Elsa got run over while pregnant with her.



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