chapter 353

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The entire time Elsa was making cookies for the children, she kept comparing Lui to Jeremy. She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help herself.

George Callahan was a very good-looking man. Despite his age, his physical appearance was still attractive to the eye. It’s no wonder both his sons are very good-looking. They inherited it from their father; that's why they were both extremely handsome.

So it cannot be that Lui’s appearance was the reason. He had the looks, just like Jeremy. What was it then?... Was it because of how Jeremy treated her when they were intimate?... Were those encounters the reason why she was now afraid of doing it?

Or maybe this personality of hers was not okay with sex at all. Because she knew that she wouldn’t give herself to Jeremy too. She would be a fool to even try.

That was the man she once loved the most. And today, that is the man she hates the most.

After Elsa was done making the food, she called everyone to the dining table. Lui was uncomfortable with seeing Braden but didn’t say anything. But something about how close Braden was to Elsa caught his eye.

He had seen such behavior from somewhere before, and that made him discover something. And that day, he was seeing those actions of Braden, Victoria, and Jeremy’s child.

Victoria’s child... Right. That made him shake those thoughts away.

Could it be that the boy just liked Elsa and there was nothing more?... Probably.

After breakfast, Elsa got a call saying that Esther had disappeared and they couldn’t find her. The last known place she was at was in the hospital when she took Victoria to get a check-up.

That was suspicious. Why would Esther just disappear?... Victoria wouldn’t kill her biological mother just so she could fake being the child of someone else, right?

Elsa told Coco to have people keep tabs on Victoria’s every move. She wanted to know where she goes, who she meets, and what she does from that very moment.

She had to find Esther. No one was going to ruin her plans.

That phone call was overheard by Lui, so Elsa told him everything that had happened. The details confused Lui, but not much. He saw how affectionate James was to Elsa when donating his blood to save her life. Maybe there was some truth to that.

Elsa spent the whole day playing with Yuliana and Braden. The two children loved each other almost immediately after they met. Something pulled them to each other, and Braden seemed so happy around Yuliana.

So much so that when Elsa was leaving in the evening with Braden, the two children almost cried as they did not want to say goodbye.

“Don’t worry, Yuliana. You can come visit me at my home next time. I have toys we can play with,” Braden said seriously.

Yuliana turned to Elsa, “Mommy, can I go to Braden’s home next time?”

Lui and Elsa looked at each other, not knowing what to say. She immediately changed the topic to throw the kids off what they asked.

“They are just children, Elsa. It’s okay if they are friends,” Lui said to her calmly as he stared at the two children saying their goodbyes.

Well, Elsa was the one who brought them together. Maybe she shouldn’t be so surprised they got along very quickly and wanted to be friends. Elsa already had a soft spot for Braden. He was a sweet little boy. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if the children played together again.

Just not in Jeremy’s house.

That evening, Elsa got into a jet and left for Serpens. Lui did not like to see her leave after just coming home, but Elsa told him she had to take Braden home.

And she needed to get to Carter McConnell’s mausoleum crypt and find out the truth. Also, she had a woman named Esther Rowland to find. And arrest.

To Lui, though, Elsa was going to Jeremy. Something that he did not like. He couldn’t wait for all this to be over so Elsa doesn’t have to stay with Jeremy anymore.

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