chapter 390

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With no time to worry or suspect, Jeremy turned the car around and sped toward the location given in the text.

Night fell, and Elsa was forced to stay in the same place. The lights in the dark room brightened, and she could see Victoria still waiting in the same spot.

Soon after, the men returned empty-handed.

Of course, they had never stopped to think that Elsa was still inside the room and that the cloth was merely a ploy to divert their attention.

The plan was a success.

"Useless! All of you!" Victoria was infuriated, pointing at the men as she scolded them.

Then, she tried to leave, only to be stopped by the leader who had a scar on his face. "Sure, she ran off, but we also did work for you today. Pay up."

Victoria scoffed and crossed her arms in her spoiled rich girl fashion. "You lost the woman, and you still want me to pay you? Be grateful that I haven't taken your life, you useless piece of trash!" She spared them a belittling eye-roll.

No more than two steps later, she was held back by the other two men.

Furious, Victoria turned around to go on a rampage but was instead gifted with a heavy slap across the side of her face.


She immediately felt a ringing in her ear as her lip burst from the force of the slap.

The man with the scar held her by both cheeks and his hostile gaze drove away Victoria's arrogance.

"What do you think you're doing? Let go of me! Do you have any idea who I am? I am the Lion—"

"Shut up, you bitch! I don't care who you are. We just want the money!"

She was about to cuss at him again only for the man with the scar gifted Victoria another slap. Victoria screamed in pain.

"Not the face! Anywhere but the face!" she yelled. She did not want anything ruining her perfect face.

It was the most valuable thing to her.

"You just want money, right? I have money! I'll give it to you! Just let go of me first," Victoria struggled against their hold, her tone turning frantic.

The scarred man however, replied with a wretched smile. "It's too late!"

The look on his face did not sit well with Victoria. "What do you want?" Victoria started to feel afraid.

"What do we want?" The man with the scar pinched Victoria's chin as he spoke with a heavy accent. "We took the job thinking we'd get to touch and be paid. Instead, all we get is you being difficult and the person meant to be our playgirl running away. So tell me, shouldn't you repay us somehow?"

The words left Victoria in a few seconds of stunned stupor before she ultimately gave an arrogant smile.

"You want me to spend the night with you? Hah! Have you seen yourself? What makes you think trash like you would have the right to sleep with me? Do you have any idea who my fiancé is? He's Serpen's—"


The men began tearing Victoria's clothing before she could even finish speaking.

"Look, bitch! I'd play along if I were you. I'll make you pay the price if you continue being difficult!"


Victoria shrieked as they dragged her to the floor, ready to take her.

Elsa peeped and saw all this. Raising a fist, Elsa was about to step forward with the intention to stop them. However, she hesitated when she remembered the things Victoria had done to her. Hell, Victoria wanted these men to rape Elsa as she took videos so she could share it online and ruin Elsa.

Was this her falling into her own trap?

She would have been in Victoria's place instead if she hadn't thought of a plan to save herself. Victoria had this coming, didn't she?

Perhaps this was karma.

"What a slut. You say you don't want it, but you sure don't act like it," the scarred man spoke wretchedly.

Elsa had indeed previously heard Victoria fighting back, but her tone changed somewhere in the middle into something more akin to pleasure.

Victoria was enjoying what the thug was doing to her and was moaning in pleasure.

So at that moment, she wasn't being forced.

Elsa found herself feeling sick at the sight of Victoria's enjoyment.

Although, she wasn't surprised.

After digging into Victoria's background and past, Elsa discovered that Victoria had always been promiscuous.

Her private life was a complete mess, even when she was a student. Starting from high school, she had secret boyfriends whom she slept with behind Jeremy's back.

Since she attended a rich fancy school filled with handsome rich boys, Jeremy wouldn't sleep with her, so she decided to have fun discreetly.

The same thing happened when she went to university.

She had absolutely no loyalty to the man she claimed to love.

Elsa couldn't help but laugh at the thought that Jeremy had been loving such a woman all these years.

'So she was the woman who was not filthy and shameless, Jeremy Callahan? Heh! What a blind man you are.'

Elsa raised her arms over her ears in disgust when she heard Victoria moan.

It was so disturbing.

As her hands hovered over her ears, Elsa was shocked to find a rat dash by her feet. Startled, she instinctively moved out of the way, only to fall onto the ground as her legs cramped up from squatting for a long period of time.

The cardboard boxes beside her fell as well.

All sexual sounds came to a halt as several pairs of eyes stared into the small room.

"Did I hear something?"

"Fuck! Has that chick been inside all along? She didn't run off at all!"

"I'm still playing and having fun with this one! The two of you, go in and search!" Their boss told the two men.

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