chapter 386

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When Jeremy heard that, his eyes shot open. "What did you say?"

He immediately recognized Bruno's voice, despite not having heard from him for a long time and him having changed his number.

"When will you stop, Jeremy? Will it be after Elsa truly dies? Is loving you so much of a sin? Is it such a punishable crime that she fell in love with you?" He asked angrily.

"Tell me, where did you bring her?" Firing the questions at rapid speed, Bruno's worry and anxiousness became apparent and real.

But Jeremy was very clueless at that moment. He did not understand what Bruno was asking him. Did something happen to Elsa?

His heart beat uncontrollably fast as a feeling of unease began to bubble within him.

Without another thought, Jeremy broke out of Victoria's grip and turned around.

Victoria was stunned for two whole seconds, and by the time she looked up, Jeremy had already walked out of the hospital ward.

"Jeremy! Jeremy, where are you going?" She asked frantically, but Jeremy did not even spare her a glance from the corner of his eye, let alone turn around.

Rosanna, who was about to come in with a lunch box full of food she made for Victoria, bumped into Jeremy at the door as he was leaving in a big hurry.

Then, the next thing she saw was Victoria knocking a cup of water from the nightstand to the floor in fury.

Victoria did not know what Jeremy was told on the phone, but at that moment she was mad at what he said to her earlier.

She also hadn't noticed Rosanna and started yelling with anger and hatred.

"Damn you, Elsa! Damn you!... You fucking bitch!... I am going to kill you!" She roared in anger.

Rosanna trembled in fear at Victoria's words. The expression on her face was so terrifying that Rosanna knew she wasn't joking.

Victoria noticed Rosanna, who looked pale and stood by the door. The expression on Victoria's face immediately revealed that she had heard what was said.

Now that she knew Elsa was her daughter, it might not sit well with her.

So, Victoria decided to put on a pitiful performance. She quickly ran over to Rosanna and hugged her tightly.

"Mum, Jeremy just told me he's now in love with Elsa and doesn't love me anymore," Rosanna cried on her chest.

Victoria knew that Jeremy didn't just start loving Elsa now; he had been in love with her his entire life, basically since childhood.

But she couldn't say that because it would be like admitting she wasn't the girl who saved Jeremy and made him fall in love with her at first sight.

If one were to remember how Jeremy felt when he saw Elsa at the entrance of Serpens University, one would understand why Jeremy felt like he had loved her before.

Turns out he did. He did love her before; he just doesn't know it was her.

Rosanna didn't say anything and was still in shock, remembering the evil look on Victoria's face earlier.

"Mum, what's wrong with me? Why doesn't Jeremy love me anymore?" Rosanna asked.

"Mum, why does Elsa always take things from me? She always gets what I want, she always gets picked over me ever since we were born. Even Jenna chose to keep her and gave me away. Mummy, why am I always rejected? What did I do wrong to deserve this? Now Jeremy has rejected me, mum. Because he found Elsa. Will you also reject and abandon me because of Elsa?"

Upon hearing this, Rosanna understood that Victoria's outburst was just something she said out of anger. She had even threatened to kill Elsa before. Seeing Victoria in so much pain, she decided to comfort her.

"No, no, my child. Don't cry. I am your mother; I would never abandon you or choose another child over you. I love you both equally, so you are as important to me as Elsa. Don't ever think otherwise."

Victoria took those words in, sighing with relief that Rosanna seemed to have forgotten what she had heard.

However, she still didn't want to share anything with Elsa, not even with Elsa's own biological parents. She wanted everything to herself.

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