Our Egg

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Sunny was calm. Well, she was calm before her mother had demanded that dye come to the stronghold immediately. Sunny kind of already knew what she was being summoned for.
"Sunny, how great it is to see you," Six-Claws said when she stopped at the front gates.
"Hi. I'm looking for my mother. Do you happen to know where she is?" Sunny greeted. He smiled.
"She's in her office."
"As always. Thanks!" She flapped off toward the palace as the dragons below waved to her.
After a lot of flights of stairs and hallways and turns, she finally found the office. Queen Thorn's Office, it read. She knocked and opened the door.
"Hello, Mother," Sunny smiled. Her mother smiled and then frowned.
"You've been keeping something from me," Queen Thorn said. Sunny shifted her talons.
"Are you with egg? I know a mother when I see one. Of course I wouldn't be mad because I am supportive but your wedding was just three days ago. Are you already with an egg?" She demanded, asking questions. Sunny looked down.
"Sunny, just tell me-"
"I AM TRYING TO TELL YOU!" Sunny screamed. Mother stared at her and then her gaze hardened. "I've already laid the egg."
Mother stared at her.
"It takes at least a week to know whether you are with egg or not. Have you already. . ."
"I laid the egg before the wedding. It was during planning that I was in the process," Sunny looked won with s watery voice. Her mother stared at her.
"And you weren't going to tell me?"
"It was busy and you were busy and I wanted to tell you but that just didn't happen."
"SO? THIS IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT MILESTONE!" They started to argue with each other until Sunny started to cry.
"You are supposed to be supportive of me! So why can't you?!" Sunny sniffles and jumped out of the open window in front of the desk. She opened her wings and soared away toward the rainforest.
"Sunny!" Thorn screamed faintly. Sunny ignored her and kept flapping. She wiped a test away and it evaporated from the heat before it reached the ground.

       Glory was having flying lessons with Hyacinth when Kinkajou came flapping over with so much confidence she ended up crashing into a tree, falling over and crashing into the tree behind her, falling to a branch below her, and then flapping up behind two startled monkeys who kept batting her head as if to tell her: This is my land, not yours you big flying lizard!
"GLORY! GLORY, GUESS WHAT!" Kinkajou said immediately after she regained balance.
"What?" Glory frowned. Hyacinth shifted and grabbed hold of her horns.
"First of all, calm down. Second of all, THE HECK DID YOU JUST SAY?" Hyacinth giggled. Kinkajou breathed in and out before beginning again.
"I think I saw Sunny but I am not sure, SO you might need to check for me because I have Tamarin to take care of and I think that pale Seawing came back and stole her, so I have to get her back again but there is a small yellow dot in the sky coming toward us and I can't really tell if that is a Sandwing patrol or messenger coming over or if that is Sunny and she gained weight but yeah and can I take HYACINTH?" She beamed. Glory raised her eye brow and handed over her dragonet.
"Sure. Take care of her for a minute while I go up." The queen flapped her wings and gracefully reached the sky before something slammed into her. "DANG, SUNNY!"
"Sorry, sorry," she apologized and they hugged. Glory smiled and then frowned.
"You look like you've been crying. What's wrong?" She asked, genuinely concerned.
"Well, I told Mother about the egg and she was so mad and then we had an arguement and then she won't help me. So I came here because you are closesest and I know that you'll help me without killing Mother," she explained. Tears streamed out of her eyes as she explained. Glory twined her tail with hers and hugged her.
"Wait," she stopped her friend. "Your egg?" Sunny stared at her.
"Me and Stardlight accidently made an egg during planning of the wedding and I laid it in the home. . Yeah," Sunny whispered. Glory suddenly felt bad for her.
"Well, I can promise this. I will help you guys in everything possible. With you guy's relationship, with the dragonet, anything," Glory smiled, and they said their goodbyes.

       Sunny flew in a sunny weather, maybe predicting the expression Stardlight would have when she told her. When she got to the little cottage in a field, Starflight was there on the grass, reading a scroll in Braille.
"Hi, Starflight," Sunny said when she landed. He tilted his head toward her and smiled.
"Hi, Sunny," he smiled.
"Whatcha reading?"
"The Greatest Showman. It was about a hybrid dragon who fought for all hybrids and created a talent show for all normal and non normal dragons three centuries ago," he informed. He closed the book and it showed a dragon in a red cloak in front of a stage.
"Wow. That's nice. But, uh, Starflight?" She twitched nervously. He also twitched nervously at the same time.
"Yeeeesssss?" He sung.
"So, we have an egg and I already told Mother and Glory but I haven't told Tsunami or Clay because they are too far away, but I just really wanted to see your reaction to it and it is okay if you don't want kids, so I will just give the egg to Clay because Peril can't really have kids because she'll just burn the egg anyway." Starflight just stared at her (not technically, just stared in her direction) as if she started to speak butterfly.
"What-? Wait, we have an egg? We made an egg? And you didn't tell me or show me- well, that would have been impossible since I'm blind anyway," he mumbled and then smiled. "do you know what this means?" He smiled ear to ear. Sunny tilted her head and before she could say anything, he exclaimed, "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER! We are going to be PARENTS! Oh my MOONS!" He stood up and twirled, reached for her, and squeezed her in an affectionate hug.
       She smiled and kissed him and put her head on his shoulder.
"I like that. Our egg," Sunny whispered.
"Our egg," they said in usion.

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