First Date Part 1

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Magenta rushed outside to grab a squirrel and rushed back inside to give it to her father. Ever since the tribes had moved to the mountains, Gorrilaglide, or her father, became even more dependent. He'd been asking for food every single day, giving her no time to rest and no time to care for herself. There seemed to be so much to do, either working or working, trying to make the caves a home or trying to get everyone fed and full. Queen Glory had been taking frequent trips to meetings with the other queens since Queen Coral died.

Magenta didn't even know Queen Coral, yet she felt bad. She didn't know what it was like to have a family member in your family die, but she was sure how she would feel if someone she loved died. If her father died, she'd be mostly happy because he wouldn't be able to hit, yell, slap, or hurt her ever again. If she died to her father, he would probably be upset, because the last tone of his family died, but one less dragon to worry about. If Poisonwing died. . . Magenta couldn't think about that. She'd be so incomplete and sad and would never have to do anything ever again. . .
That thought bothered her. Poisonwing could never die! She loved him and he showed signs of loving her back. . .

She sighed and ran faster. She didn't have time to think about it. She was busy working for her father and he was busy working at school, getting good grades and making friends. Making friends! Magenta should be his only friend! She should be the one he has, not someone else!

Magenta frowned as she reached where her father was. Why was she so jealous? Why couldn't she just think about something other than him? As she spotted him near the back, she sighed and stopped in front of him.
"What took you so damn long?" Father snapped, looked around for a second and slapped her. She groaned and shut her eyes, trying to ignore the pain in her cheek.
"Sorry, Father," she mumbled.
"Jeez!" He exclaimed, crunching down on the meat. "You're slower her than you are at the rainforest." He glared at her as she looked at the cold floor. If he died, she'd be definitely happy.

Three hours later, Magenta found herself outside, near where the Jade Mountain Academy yard was. She was staring at the kids there, trying to find a certain hybrid prince in the midst. The only thing she found was foul Skywings, gossiping Rainwings, and some white dragons she didn't know what to call them. But finally, after ten minutes, she saw a hybrid with a blue Seawing, and they looked as if they were about to fly. She quickly got up, and rose into the sky, only a couple meters from them.

She shimmered into nothing, sneakily watching them rom behind as they talked and laughed. She felt a stab of jelousy hit as she watched them tackle midair, and yell.
"You moron, Poisonwing!" the Seawing laughed, yanking on his tail. Poisonwing snarled at him playfully and shot a blast of fire into the air. The Seawing laughed again, stopped, and turned around. "Do you hear wingbeats?"
"That's us, Gill."
"Nah, somebody's here. Probably behind us." He tasted the air and frowned, tuning back to the hybrid. Magenta's heart dropped a little as she stopped. Was she that recognizable that the Seawing was already able to tell where she was? Gill looked around and then darted forward, nearly sending Magenta into the ground far below.

She screamed, their wings colliding as he brought her down. He growled in her ear and threw her off of him. Poisonwing yelled above them as Magenta collided into a tree, giving her a headache. Gill had her pinned against it, a talon to her throat, ready to slice it. But Poisonwing was already there and ready to stop him.

"Why are you here and spying on us?" Gill yelled, and she whimpered. She watched as he was pushed back by the red and green hybrid behind him, angry and terrified.
"Chill! Chill! Remember her?" Poisonwing said. "She was my date to the dance remember? Magenta, what are you doing here?" She smiled at the look at him, at his muscles that started to ripple as he walked closer.
"I wanted to visit you. It's been at least a month since I'd last seen you, so . ." she stopped, looking at him. She turned yellow and peach with shame and embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I should have never visited you."
"No, no! It's nice that you did, I would have just wanted you to say something first. . ." He frowned. Gill raised a blue eyebrow and stepped back, releasing her.

There was an awkward silence for a minute. Gill smiled and took another step back, bowing his head.
"I'll leave you two to whatever stuff you're doing, aight?" He smirked and then took off before they get say another word.

The two dragonrts stared at each other for another awkward silence before Poisonwing said, "We should hang out more. Since school, I haven't been able to sleep properly without thinking about you and what you're doing." Magenta blushed at him and smiled softly. "I was thinking. . . "
"That we should go on a date?" Magenta finished for him, and he literally unhinged his jaw. "I mean, that might not have been what you were thinking but you know I love you and it makes me. . It makes me happy when I'm near you." She smiled at him and he smiled back, his nose brushing hers. They both turned pink and smiled.
"Fine then. It's a date."
"Seven sharp. I'll pick you up." He stepped away.
"Alright." Magenta smiled and they flee into the air to go back to Jade Mountain, a blue speck indicating where Gill was.

Oh! She had just  has to get ready!

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