"Tsu, the queen is dead."

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Queen Glory was ordered to go to The Queen Meeting of The Month immediately. And this was short notice, not a week or day before it. So, when she got the message from a Sandwing messenger, she had to leave immediately.
"Can I come, too?" Hyacinth asked when Glory was about to leave. She stared down her daughter's face and frowned.
"No," she simply said, and the lavender dragonet turned a bright red.
"Why?! So what? I'm not a queen yet and I'm only a princess but I need to know where this place is when I get there!" She growled. Her butterfly wings twitched and her butterfly ruff flared. "That OBVIOUSLY isn't fair!" Glory rolled her eyes and sat down to where she was eye level to her.
"Oh please, chill," she ordered. "Don't start acting like Tsunami. And plus, you aren't 'only a princess,' Hyacinth. And you aren't a queen yet." Hyacinth flared her ruff even harder and looked more like a red Skywing with butterfly wings than a Nightwing Rainwing hybrid.
"Mother," she frowned. "Please let me go. I don't want to be here anymore. It stinks and it's absolutely unsanitary for the rest of us. Honestly, a flipping VOLCANO would be SO MUCH BETTER than this rocky DUMP." Her tail thrashed hard enough to scare the dragons behind her. "And plus, I'll get the story first hand instead of you telling the story and leaving out ALL THE IMPORTANT DETAILS." Glory laughed and stood up.
"Fine, but you say not one word or Dove is being let out into the wild," she finally answered, and the red dragonet turned bright pink and yellow, looking almost like Kinkajou.

Four hours later, the two arrived at Sanctuary, the place where the queens gathered in secret with one trusted dragon with them. Deathbringer obviously volunteered for that but was quickly put down. Hyacinth flew along side Glory, her scales bouncing between gold and yellow and green and orange. Glory's scales, however, was a violent purple with green and pink, a perfect combination. In the distance, she could make up the shapes of a fat, brown Mudwing, a red Skywing, and a pale Icewing.
"Ready to meet the queens?" Glory asked.
"Yep," Hyacinth nodded, but her scales turned a little green and white. When they arrived, a familiar Icewing, Queen Snowfall, greeted them sarcastically.
"Didn't know we could bring dragonets to a queen only gathering," she said. Queen Glory glared at her and smirked.
"You'd know if you'd had dragonets. Too bad nobody wants to mate with a haughty queen, huh?" She answered, and Hyacinth snorted. Snowfall snarled and lashed her tail.
"I'd freeze you in an instant!" She shouted.
"Don't you know what Rainwings can do? If you opened your mouth, I'd kill you before you'd get the chance to kill me," Hyacinth threatened and walkrd on with her smiling Mother, leaving the white dragon gaping.

"Welcome," Queen Ruby said, her wings opening to begin the meeting. The queens dipped their heads and Queen Glory had to try hard to stop smiling every time her eyes landed on Snowfall's glaring ones. "I had gotten an important message from Queen Coral. It said that all the queens must be gather today, so that is obviously why we are here."
"Queen Coral isn't here," Queen Morhen argued. "She's wasting precious time."
"Blah blah," Snowfall rolled her eyes. "Shut up. She's obviously coming. She wouldn't just stand us up like that."
"She's done it before," Queen Thorn pointed out.
"First," Queen Glory interrupted before a stupid fight broke out. "I don't see Queen Coral, but instead Anemone. She's bringing her sister, Auklet and like fifty other Seawings." The queens gasped. Her scales turned a violent shade of purple when Anemone landed, two minutes later.
"Where's Queen Coral?" All the queens demanded at once and Auklet's face broke into tears. Hyacinth tried to comfort her but she shoved her away.
"Moray, her loyal subject. . ." Anemone mumbled, blinked a tear away and looked up with a sniffle. "Queen Coral has been murdered brutally, stabbed my a narwhal horn and was sunk to the bottom of our fields." The queens gasped and Glory's scales turned blur with sadness and white with pain.
"Killed?" Thorn, Ruby, and Hyacinth echoed.
"She was such a strong queen!" Rugby cried.
"Yet Oasis was killed by three scavengers and she was strong, too," Thorn muttered, tabbing her chin with a sharp claw.
"Had a challenge been made?" Snowfall asked. Anemone shook her head with Auklet still balling in her arms. The queens went in silence until Hyacinth spoke.
"Wait," she said and all the dragons turned to her. "Dragons aren't supposed to be here, especially fifty of a tribe. They know the location and could easily kill us when we come next time. And, if Queen Coral is dead, the whole tribe will be in chaos because a murderer is on the loose." Glory stared at her and smiled. Her daughter was getting so grown up!
"The Deep Palace is all under control," Anemone glared at her. Hyacinth and Glory snorted at the same time, which made Morhen and Thorn chuckle. "The palace is safe. We have enough guards training and guards looking for her. She's been banned anyway, so don't worry." Ruby flicked her tail and looked up in the ceiling.
"If Glory could be a ruler of two tribes, than Moray could also." Anemone whipped her head toward her and slammed the table.
"No she couldn't!"
"Yes she could," Glory said, following the Skywing's train of thought. "She can challenge each and every one of us and become queen that way. That isn't how I got my throne, but if she takes it, she might kill all my heirs, too."
"All your heirs? You have two boys and a girl. What do you mean all your heirs," Snowfall taunted. Glory turned a soft peach will embarrassment and put her nose in her talons. Hyacinth didn't understand it but disappeared, silently laughing.
"Workin' on it," she mumbled. Morhen laughed.
"Anyway," Anemone said with authority. "We need to find Moray now. She's phycotic. She killed her own father and killed all my guards. She was trying to eat them!" Snowfall gagged.
"Seems like a you problem," Glory growled. "I'm not risking my citizen's lives just because of a phycotic cannibal who wants to challenge for a tribe she doesn't even know. Honestly, I think this meeting is over. Also, I want to know how the flood started. I think that that was from you Anemone, from your powers." Her peach scales turned orange with irritation and stood up. Snowfall stood up at the same time and licked her claws.
"Yes, it was. There was a flood at the beginning of her reign and at the end. But what about our plans?" Anemone asked, Auklet whimpering under her. "We can't just let this time go to waste where a dragon might kill us all!"
"She isn't capable of that," Morhen disagreed. "I'm in vote with Glory. We could have this meeting some other time. At a convenient time." Glory nodded and walked out with her yellow daughter.
"I LIVE to LOVE to be queen!" Hyacinth exclaimed, and she laughed.

"Tsunami, I need to talk to you," Glory said when they made it back to Jade Mountain. They were in her office and she was pacing around with paper in her talons. Her blue scales were shining in the bright light from the window. Her tail lashed angrily as she sat in her chair behind the wooden desk.
"Glory," Tsunami scolded. "I'm busy finalizing these STUPID grades. It's as if the kids aren't even trying to pass!"
"Well this is more important than any other grades," Glory narrowed her eyes and licked her claws. Tsunami put down her papers and sighed. Her wings stretched out and back in. Her eyes looked as if she hadn't slept in two weeks.
"Countinue," she mumbled.
"Well," Glory started. "I was just called to a queen meeting a couple of hours ago about something important. Ex-queen Coral wasn't there but instead your sisters-"
"Hold up," Tsunami interrupted and blinked with worry. "What do you mean 'ex queen?'" Glory looked down.
"Tsunami, the queen is dead," she whispered. "Your mother is dead."

Tsunami stared at her and slowly collapsed to the floor. Glory quickly went to her side to out her blue head in her arms. She wailed and curled into the queen. Her tail thumped the floor and her tears made Glory uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry, Tsu," she whispered. Tsunami sniffed and rubbed her eyes. She sat up and exhaled slowly.
"It's fine." She stared at Glory with a mischievous shine. "Does that make me queen now?"
"I'll teach you how to be great then," she agreed and then frowned. "But no. Anemone already decided to be queen."
"Oh," Tsunami mumbled and then smiled. "I guess my duties lie here, then."  She laughed with sad tears constantly saying she was okay but constantly shivering and covering her face with her wings.

Glory turned a soft blue color, comforting her with jokes they told each other during the war, and soon the Seawing was back to her usual bossy self.

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